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Yes, knowledge of chemistry is beneficial for a career in soil science as it helps in understanding the chemical properties of soil, nutrient interactions, and fertilizer applications. It can also aid in analyzing soil composition and understanding processes like soil pH and nutrient availability.

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What can your minor be if you major in chemistry?

Common minors for chemistry majors include biology, mathematics, physics, environmental science, and business. These minors can complement a chemistry degree and enhance career opportunities in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, research, and environmental sciences.

Which AP science courses should I take to become a doctor I am not that much interested in AP Chemistry?

You should consider taking AP Biology and AP Physics instead of AP Chemistry if you are not interested in it. Both courses provide a solid foundation in science that is relevant to medicine and will help you prepare for a career in the medical field.

Where can one find more information about chemistry jobs online?

You can find more information about chemistry jobs online through job search websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn. You can also visit specific chemistry-related job boards, such as the American Chemical Society's Careers website or Chemistry World's job board. Additionally, networking on professional sites like ResearchGate or attending industry conferences can lead to job opportunities in the field of chemistry.

Why Before Dennis decides whether to take chemistry or biology next semester he asks the two science teachers he had last year for advice In this situation his science teachers are considered his .?

In this situation, his science teachers are considered his mentors. Mentors provide guidance, support, and advice based on their experience and expertise to help individuals make informed decisions about their education or career path.

What might a chemist choose to study?

A chemist might choose to study a variety of topics such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, or biochemistry. Their choice of study could be influenced by their career goals, personal interests, or a desire to contribute to a specific field of research.

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What are the possible career in science?

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What high school courese will prepare you for a doctor career?

Biology, Chemistry and Physics butpsychologywont hurt

Is science involved with the archaeology career?

Yes. Science is involved in an archaeology career. You need to have studied in artifact studies, biology, chemistry, life science, conversation sciences, and history.

What courses do you need to take in high school to prepare for a career in pharmacology?

Chemistry would be a good start

What should I study in accommodation to neuroscience as a career?

If you are looking at neuroscience as a career, study math and science courses such as chemistry and calculus.

Mention some career or job that requires knowledge in chemistry?

physician , Pharmacists, Biologist, Technicians, and everything..

What classes should you take in grade ten to become a veterinarian?

In grade ten, focus on taking biology, chemistry, and math courses to build a strong foundation for a future in veterinary medicine. Additionally, consider taking advanced science classes or electives related to animal science or anatomy to further prepare for a career as a veterinarian.

What are types of careers in science?

Some types of careers in science include research scientist, data analyst, laboratory technician, science educator, and environmental consultant. These careers can span various fields such as biology, chemistry, physics, environmental science, and health sciences. Each career option provides opportunities for individuals to contribute to scientific knowledge and advancements.

What could you do to prepare for this career pediatrtician?

To prepare for a career as a pediatrician, one should take a lot of science classes in school and also some courses in child psychology. One will need to study hard to be accepted into medical school.

What can your minor be if you major in chemistry?

Common minors for chemistry majors include biology, mathematics, physics, environmental science, and business. These minors can complement a chemistry degree and enhance career opportunities in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, healthcare, research, and environmental sciences.

Which AP science courses should I take to become a doctor I am not that much interested in AP Chemistry?

You should consider taking AP Biology and AP Physics instead of AP Chemistry if you are not interested in it. Both courses provide a solid foundation in science that is relevant to medicine and will help you prepare for a career in the medical field.

What type of elective courses should you should take in high school to prepare for careers in the future?

Math and English plus one foreign language really are prerequisites for a future career these days. After that, the electives depend one sort of career you want. If as an example you wanted a career in Medical or Veterinary science, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and other science classes would be vital. Computing is also essential these days. A career in the travel industry or related job, would suggest another foreign language and Geography.