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If the vocal cords are damaged, this can indeed happen. Usually, I would expect this to be related to oral consumption of chlorine bleach, which is potentially lethal. Consider risk for self-harm.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Exposure to chlorine bleach can irritate the respiratory system and lead to temporary hoarseness or voice changes, but it is unlikely to directly cause a loss of voice. If you experience persistent voice changes or difficulty speaking after exposure to chlorine bleach, it is important to seek medical advice.

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Can humans breathe Hydrogen?

No, humans cannot breathe pure hydrogen. Hydrogen is not a gas that can sustain human respiration, as it does not contain oxygen, which is necessary for human survival. Exposure to high levels of hydrogen gas can be dangerous and even fatal.

What are the effects of breathing sulfur hexafluoride?

Breathing sulfur hexafluoride can result in temporary changes in voice pitch as it is denser than air and alters the resonance properties of the vocal tract. It is important to note that inhaling large amounts of sulfur hexafluoride could displace oxygen in the lungs and cause difficulty in breathing and respiratory distress. Long-term effects are not well-studied.

Why does helium change your voice?

Because Helium is lighter than the oxygen and other gases we breathe, when it passes through your vocal chords, it makes them vibrate quicker than the heavier gases like Oxygen-(8) and such. So because they cause your vocal chords to vibrate quicker, it tightens up your vocal chords and makes the pitch of your voice go up.

What are the 4 elements of voice and define each element?

The 4 elements of voice are pitch (how high or low a sound is), intensity (the volume or loudness of the sound), quality (the characteristics that make each voice unique), and duration (the length of time a sound is sustained).

What happens if you suck on helieum?

Inhaling helium can cause your voice to sound high-pitched because the gas is lighter than air and changes the speed of sound waves as they pass through your vocal cords. However, it can be dangerous as helium can displace oxygen in your lungs, leading to asphyxiation if done excessively. It is not recommended to suck on helium balloons.