

Does AsH3 follow the octet rule?

Updated: 5/24/2024
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No, AsH3 does not follow the octet rule. Arsenic, the central atom in AsH3, can expand its valence shell to hold more than eight electrons in bonding.

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The octet rule is a rule in chemistry where elements want to form bonds to attain 8 electrons in their valence shell. An example of this would be sodium chloride. Bonds that don't have 8 electrons in their valence shell don't follow this rule

A molecule with bonding that follow the octet rule?

An example of a molecule that follows the octet rule is methane (CH4). In methane, carbon forms four covalent bonds with hydrogen, allowing each atom to achieve a full outer shell of electrons (octet) and satisfy the octet rule.

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Flourins has 2s2 and 2p5 configuration and total 9 electrons in outermost shell. There are two possibilities for fluorine i.e. either to complete the outermost shell or to follow the octet rule. If it follow the octet rule there will remain 4 electrons in 2p. Hence its reactivity towards metals or other compounds will differ which is against its nature.Thats why flourine shows restrictions towards octet rule

Does xenon atom fit the Octet rule?

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