It can be argued that those who have the ability to protect others have a moral responsibility to do so, especially if they are in a position of power or influence. However, the extent of this duty and how it should be fulfilled may vary depending on the specific situation and context.
This phrase suggests that those who are powerful or strong have the ability to support or protect those who are vulnerable or less powerful. It emphasizes the responsibility and duty of those in positions of strength to assist and defend those who may be at a disadvantage.
Uh... Weak? What is the point in this question?
No, the conjugate of a strong base is a weak acid. The conjugate base of a strong acid is weak, while the conjugate acid of a strong base is weak.
a strong constitution because you can protect your country easier.
This phrase suggests that those who are powerful or strong have the ability to support or protect those who are vulnerable or less powerful. It emphasizes the responsibility and duty of those in positions of strength to assist and defend those who may be at a disadvantage.
Boys and girls should be treated equally. It's not which gender should protect which gender, it's suppose to be strong one protect the weak one. For example, if the girl is stronger than the boy, then the girl should be protect the boy. Since the world has more strong boys than girls, that's why people say "boys should protect girls". In reality, strong people should protect weak people, regardless of what sex they are.
it is weak and strong because it neutralises acids. So its strong not weak but weak not strong.
weak is not strong
Jurgis believes his duty is to provide for and protect his family. He feels a strong sense of responsibility to ensure his loved ones are cared for and lead a better life.
antonym comes from the greek, anti, meaning opposite, so the opposite of weak is strong.
Screwdrivers can have weak or strong magnetism.
weak because you can eat it
weak and strong,it depends
Uh... Weak? What is the point in this question?