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People release oxygen every minute, for as long as they live, and even for a time afterward. Living people release oxygen in the form of carbon dioxide. Much more importantly for the living, people take in and process oxygen all the time, in the form of O2.

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No, people do not release oxygen at night. During the night, humans continue to breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants, on the other hand, release oxygen during the process of photosynthesis.

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Do moss need oxygen?

Yes, like all plants, mosses require oxygen for respiration. Mosses take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the day through photosynthesis, and at night they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide through respiration. Oxygen is essential for the moss's metabolic processes and survival.

Does banyan tree gives oxygen at night?

Banyan trees, like all green plants, undergo photosynthesis during the day to produce oxygen and use carbon dioxide. However, the net production of oxygen at night is minimal as they also respire and consume oxygen. Overall, banyan trees provide oxygen throughout the day and night.

Why tamarind trees gives out more carbon dioxide instead oxygen?

Tamarind trees, like all plants, release oxygen during the day through a process called photosynthesis. However, during the night, they undergo respiration, where they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This is why it may seem like tamarind trees give off more carbon dioxide than oxygen overall.

How does algae growth affect dissolved oxygen levels?

Algae growth can lead to fluctuations in dissolved oxygen levels in water bodies. During daylight hours, algae photosynthesize and release oxygen, increasing dissolved oxygen levels. However, at night or when algae die and decay, they consume oxygen through the process of decomposition, which can lead to a decrease in dissolved oxygen levels, potentially creating hypoxic conditions for aquatic organisms.

Do flowers take oxygen?

No, flowers do not take in oxygen. Like all plants, they undergo photosynthesis where they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, unlike animals that take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Related questions

What gas do plant release at day time and night time?

Oxygen. Because the plants need sunlight to produce it.

Does mitochondria release oxygen?

No, mitochondria do not release oxygen. Mitochondria are involved in a process called cellular respiration, where they use oxygen to produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and release carbon dioxide as a byproduct.

Plants release carbon dioxide during the whole night then how it is possible that morning atmosphere is fresh and rich with oxygen?

They give of oxygen

Why pipal gives oxygen in night?

The belief that peepal trees release oxygen at night is a myth. Like most plants, peepal trees photosynthesize during the day, producing oxygen as a byproduct. At night, they respire like other living organisms, consuming oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide.

What creates oxygen?

Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide from people and release oxygen for people to breathe and live.

Do Snake plant produces oxygen at night?

Like all plants, Snake plants perform photosynthesis during the day, releasing oxygen as a byproduct. However, at night, they undergo a process called cellular respiration where they consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. So, Snake plants do not actively produce oxygen at night.

Do moss need oxygen?

Yes, like all plants, mosses require oxygen for respiration. Mosses take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the day through photosynthesis, and at night they take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide through respiration. Oxygen is essential for the moss's metabolic processes and survival.

Why are you advised not to leave too many potted plants in the bedroom at night?

Having too many potted plants in the bedroom at night can reduce the oxygen levels as plants undergo respiration during the night, which may affect sleep quality. Additionally, some plants release carbon dioxide instead of oxygen during the night, making it important to balance the number of plants in the bedroom to maintain a healthy environment for sleeping.

Why do plants give out carbon dioxide in the dark and oxygen in the light and can this reduce oxygen in the bedroom at night?

Plants release carbon dioxide during respiration, which occurs both day and night. In the presence of sunlight, plants undergo photosynthesis, where they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. The amount of oxygen released during photosynthesis is usually more than the carbon dioxide released during respiration, so there should not be a significant reduction in oxygen levels in a bedroom at night due to plants.

What consumes CO2?

Plants take in carbon dioxide and then release oxygen. Its like the opposite of people.

Does neem tree release O2 during night also?

does tulsi &peepal tree produce oxygen

Does Ficus religiosa plant release oxygen at night?

Yes, like most plants, the Ficus religiosa (sacred fig) releases oxygen during the day through photosynthesis. At night, the plant undergoes respiration and consumes oxygen while releasing carbon dioxide.