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no because if it did wen u poured your water in your cup it wood suck it up.

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4mo ago

Yes, paper cups can soak up water to some extent, but they are typically treated with a wax or polyethylene lining to help make them waterproof. Over time, if exposed to water for a prolonged period, the paper material may start to break down and lose its structural integrity.

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You can use a towel, cloth, sponge, or paper towels to soak up spilled water. Just press it firmly onto the spill to absorb the water.

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The type of paper that doesn't soak up water and lets it slide through is called water-resistant paper or waterproof paper. It is often coated or treated to repel water, making it suitable for use in wet environments or for outdoor activities.

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A sponge can soak up more water than a paper towel because it is designed to absorb and retain liquid more efficiently. Sponges have larger pores and more surface area, allowing them to hold a greater amount of water compared to a paper towel.

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What to use to soak up water?

You can use materials like towels, sponges, or paper towels to soak up water. Simply place them over the wet area and press down to absorb as much water as possible. Additionally, you can use a wet/dry vacuum to remove excess water from larger areas.