To mix blue and yellow without creating orange, you can combine them to make green. Blue and yellow are primary colors that produce a secondary color, green, when mixed together. Adjusting the ratio of blue and yellow will determine the shade of green produced.
A 'warm' yellow. , sometimes referred to as 'ochre'.
Red and blue combine to make purple. Blue and yellow combine to make green. Red and yellow combine to make orange.
The secondary colors are orange, green, and purple. They are created by mixing equal parts of two primary colors together - red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green, and red and blue make purple.
No, yellow and red do not make blue when combined. Yellow and red are primary colors which can be mixed to create orange. Blue is a primary color itself and cannot be created by mixing yellow and red.
Red and yellow makes orange. Yellow and blue makes green.
To mix blue and yellow without creating orange, you can combine them to make green. Blue and yellow are primary colors that produce a secondary color, green, when mixed together. Adjusting the ratio of blue and yellow will determine the shade of green produced.
yellow and orange makes the color red!
Red + Yellow = Orange Blue + Yellow = Green
A 'warm' yellow. , sometimes referred to as 'ochre'.
Red + Yellow = Orange Blue + Yellow = Green
Red and blue combine to make purple. Blue and yellow combine to make green. Red and yellow combine to make orange.
Red and Yellow make Orange. Blue and Yellow make Green. Therefore, I would say that you need to dilute the orange with more yellow to get back as close to yellow as possible, then add blue.
The secondary colors are orange, green, and purple. They are created by mixing equal parts of two primary colors together - red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green, and red and blue make purple.
red + blue = purple blue + yellow = green red +yellow = orange orange +blue = brown yellow + purple = brown red + green = brown
Orange, and Purple as well as the tertiary colours yellow-orange, red- orange, red-purple, blue-purple, yellow-green, and blue-green.
It depends on the color you want to make...For example, red + blue = purple yellow + red = orange red + white = pink green + yellow = blue yellow + blue = green