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The distribution of electron is referred to as polarity. Water is considered to be polar substance on the other hand stain is non-polar. Detergents are use to dissolve the stain with non-polar compositions thereby resulting in stain removal.

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3mo ago

Knowledge of polar and nonpolar substances is crucial for stain removal because it helps in choosing the right cleaning agent. Stains caused by nonpolar substances, like grease, are best removed by nonpolar solvents, while stains caused by polar substances, like coffee or ink, are best removed by polar solvents. Matching the polarity of the stain with the cleaning agent increases the chances of successful stain removal.

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How is matter and substances related?

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space, while substances are specific types of matter with constant composition and distinct properties. Substances are a subset of matter, and matter can consist of a single substance or a mixture of different substances.

How is miscibility of 2 liquids related to their polarity?

The miscibility of two liquids is typically related to their polarity. Generally, polar liquids are more likely to be miscible with other polar liquids, while nonpolar liquids are more likely to be miscible with other nonpolar liquids. This is due to similar intermolecular forces between molecules that allow them to mix easily.

How is the phrase like dissolves like related to solubility?

The phrase "like dissolves like" refers to the concept that substances with similar polarity and intermolecular forces will dissolve each other. For example, polar solvents dissolve polar solutes, and nonpolar solvents dissolve nonpolar solutes. This relationship explains why some substances dissolve in certain solvents while others do not.

How the polarity of a compound will affect on both normal phase and reverse phase mode chromatography?

In normal phase chromatography, polar compounds are retained more strongly due to interactions with the polar stationary phase, while nonpolar compounds elute first. In reverse phase chromatography, the opposite is true: polar compounds elute first because they have less interaction with the nonpolar stationary phase, while nonpolar compounds are retained more strongly.

Is SF5 polar?

No, SF5 is not polar. Despite having polar bonds (between S and F), the molecule as a whole is nonpolar due to its symmetrical trigonal bipyramidal geometry, which results in a balanced distribution of charge.

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