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Chemistry focuses on the composition, structure, and properties of matter, as well as the changes it undergoes during chemical reactions. Physics, on the other hand, deals with the fundamental forces and laws that govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. While both subjects overlap in areas like thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, chemistry tends to focus on the atomic and molecular level, whereas physics often explores phenomena on a broader scale.

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Q: Differentiate of chemistry from physics
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What is the relationship of chemistry to other branches of science like biology and physics?

Chemistry is closely related to biology as it studies the composition and interactions of molecules in living organisms. It also overlaps with physics in areas like physical chemistry, which looks at the behavior of atoms and molecules. Overall, chemistry is fundamental in understanding and explaining many phenomena in both biology and physics.

What field are chemical reactions gravity and atoms topics of?

Chemical reactions are a topic in chemistry, gravity is a topic in physics, and atoms are a topic in both chemistry and physics.

Is the study of matter and how it changes called physics?

No, the study of matter and how it changes is called chemistry. Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them in the context of the physical world.

In what sense does chemistry underlie physics?

Chemistry serves as the foundation for understanding many physical phenomena. Through the study of chemical reactions and the behavior of atoms and molecules, chemistry provides important insights into the underlying principles of physics, such as quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. In essence, chemistry provides the microscopic framework that underlies the macroscopic laws of physics.

What are physics and chemistry both fields of what?

Physics and chemistry are both fields of science that study the fundamental principles governing matter, energy, and interactions between them. Physics focuses on the fundamental principles of matter and energy in the universe, while chemistry focuses on the composition, properties, and reactions of substances.

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Does chemistry and physics have any mathematical application or no?

Mathematics is applied to physics and chemistry.

Why there is physical chemistry but not the chemical physics?

There certainly is both physical chemistry (the application of physics techniques to chemistry) and chemical physics (the study of chemical processes from the point of view of physics). See Wikipedia for a fuller answer.

When was Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics created?

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics was created in 1999.

Which branch are chemistry and physics a sub branch of?

Chemistry and physics are both branches of natural sciences.

What does physics deal with?

Physics deals with the study of the fundamental forces and nature of the universe. Chemistry is arguably applied physics, and biology is applied chemistry.

Who won Nobel prizes in bolth physics and chemistry?

Marie Curie 1903 - Physics 1911 - Chemistry

Does physics chemistry and engineering use mathematics at all?

Apparently, you haven't had much exposure to Physics, Chemistry, or Engineering, have you. Yes, they all do. In increasing order of mathematical intensity, they are Chemistry Engineering Physics

What branch of physics and chemistry was developed by physics and chemistry together?

Physical chemistry is the branch of science that involves the application of principles and techniques of physics to the study of chemical systems. It combines elements of both physics and chemistry to understand the physical properties and behavior of matter at the molecular and atomic levels.

Who Won the Nobel prize in both physics and chemistry?

Marie Curie won the Nobel prize in both physics and chemistry.