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Constituents of the atom:


PROTONS - positively charged

NEUTRONS - neutrally charged

Orbiting the nucleus:

ELECTRONS - negatively charged

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12y ago
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3mo ago

An atom consists of a nucleus (composed of protons and neutrons) surrounded by electrons that orbit the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge.

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12y ago

Atom was introduced by John Dalton. It was introduced, by its name, as that which cannot be further divided into sub parts. So it is building block of elements. But later due to scientific advancements atom was found to be having positive and negative charges. By the famous alpha particle experiment atom is found to have a hard part called nucleus whose size is some 1/10000 part of the size of the atom. The nucleus is found to have two constituents named as nucleons in general. One of them is proton positively charged and the other is neutron having no charge. Negatively charged electrons are found to be around the nucleus orbiting. So the major parts of the atom are protons, neutrons and electrons.

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12y ago

Nucleus- contains the protons and neutrons. Protons-positively charged Neutrons- have no charge. Electrons- negatively charged are shared between atoms to make molecules.

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10y ago

Parts of an atom include protons, neutrons, and electrons. The protons and electrons are responsible for the type of charge the atom has.

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14y ago

The main parts of an atom are the protons,electrons,and neutrons.

protons- a positive charge.

electron- a negative charge.

neutrons- an uncharged particle.

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13y ago

without going in particle physics the main parts of an atom are

protons and neutrons _ found in the nucleus

electrons _ surrounding the nucleus

hope this helps

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