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Well, a nuclear reaction is where atoms are bouncing around and collide. They brake down into smaller or equal sized particles and this gives off fairly high amounts of energy. Just wiki it if you want a professional answer...

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1mo ago

A nuclear reaction is a process where the nucleus of an atom is altered, resulting in the formation of different elements or isotopes. These reactions release or absorb a large amount of energy, which is why they are harnessed for applications like nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons. The value of nuclear reactions lies in their ability to produce vast amounts of energy efficiently and with minimal greenhouse gas emissions, making them a potentially important part of the global energy mix.

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What type of nuclear reaction occurs in a reactor?

Nuclear fission is the primary type of nuclear reaction that occurs in a reactor. It involves the splitting of heavy atomic nuclei to release energy.

What is meant by TNT in nuclear reaction?

TNT (trinitrotoluene) is a conventional explosive used to trigger the beginning of a nuclear reaction in some nuclear weapons. When the TNT detonates, it generates the high temperatures and pressures needed to initiate the fission process in the nuclear material, causing a chain reaction to occur.

What is a example of nuclear reaction?

An example of a nuclear reaction is nuclear fusion, where two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. This reaction is the process that powers the sun and other stars.

What is the minimum amount of material needed to sustain a nuclear reaction?

The minimum amount of material needed to sustain a nuclear reaction depends on the type of reaction. For example, in a nuclear fission reaction, a critical mass of fissile material is needed to sustain a chain reaction. In a fusion reaction, high temperatures and pressures are needed to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between nuclei.

Who was first to produce and describe an artificial nuclear reaction?

Physicists Enrico Fermi and his team at the University of Chicago were the first to produce and describe an artificial nuclear reaction in 1942. They created the first controlled nuclear chain reaction as part of the Manhattan Project.

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Define Q-value of a nuclear reaction?

Q- value is a deterministic factor for the possibility of nuclear reaction. it is the difference of rest masses of the product and reactant of the reaction, and if it comes positive this means some energy added for the reaction to happen, and if it comes negative then the reaction will progress with the emission of energy.

Define Nuclear power?

The energy released by a nuclear reaction, especially by fission or fusion.

State wether a nuclear fusion is a chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction?


How do you say nuclear reaction in German?

nuclear reaction= Kernreaktion

Is fusion a type of chemical reaction?


What describes a nuclear reaction?


What type of reaction supplies the most energy?

fusion nuclear reaction followed by fission nuclear reaction

Is a nuclear reaction a living thing?

A nuclear reaction is not considered a living thing.

Is nuclear energy a fission or fusion reaction?

Nuclear energy is either:fission reaction, orfusion reaction, orradioactive decay

Does the explosion in a nuclear bomb count as a rapid chemical reaction?

No, a nuclear bomb involves a nuclear chain-reaction.A chemical reaction involves the orbiting electrons in an atom.A nuclear reaction involves the nucleus (hence "Nuclear") of an atom.

What is the most common nuclear reaction?

The most common nuclear reaction is nuclear fusion, where atoms combine to form a heavier nucleus. This reaction is what powers the sun and other stars, as well as hydrogen bombs.

Is a nuclear reaction a form of nuclear energy?
