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It is not a mineral .

However, in a different sense it is a mineral, because it is mined.

It is from the carbonaceous group.

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4mo ago

Coal is classified as an organic sedimentary rock. It is primarily composed of carbon-containing compounds formed from plant material that has been preserved over millions of years through geological processes.

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12y ago

coal is not a mineral

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Q: Coal is in what mineral group?
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What mineral group does coal belong to?

Coal belongs to the mineral group called organic minerals because it is primarily made up of organic matter, mainly carbon along with small amounts of other elements.

How Is coal a mineral?

Coal is not a mineral. A mineral is a solid non-organic substance. Coal is an organic substance.

Is coal the rarest mineral in the world?

Coal is not a mineral and is not rare.

What is Pennsylvania's most important mineral?

Coal is Pennsylvania's most important mineral. The state has a long history of coal mining, and coal has been crucial to its economic development.

What mineral found in coal?

Sulfur is a common mineral found in coal. Its presence in coal can lead to sulfur dioxide emissions when the coal is burned, contributing to air pollution.

Is coal a mineral coal?

no coal doesn't have the 5 characteristics of a rock

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Is coal not a mineral because it has a crystal structure?

No. Coal is not a mineral for two reasons: it lacks a crystal structure and it is organic.

Why do geologist not consider coal to be a mineral?

A mineral must have a definite chemical composition and a crystalline structure, neither of which apply to coal.

Is coal a mineral why?

== == Coal is very close to being a mineral but since it is organic (made from remains and organic substances) it does not qualify.

Coal is not a mineral-why?

== == Coal is very close to being a mineral but since it is organic (made from remains and organic substances) it does not qualify.