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4: The prefix "tetra" means "four", and the most common valence of hydrogen is 1.

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Kendrick Rau

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2y ago
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1mo ago

One carbon atom can bind with up to four hydrogen atoms due to its tetravalent nature.

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Q: Carbon atom is tetravalent in nature. How many hydrogen atoms can bind to one carbon atom?
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Carbon atom is tetravalent in nature how many hydrogen atoms can bind to one carbon atom?

4: The prefix "tetra" means "four", and the most common valence of hydrogen is 1.

What is the bond between carbon and hydrogen atoms?

The bond between carbon and hydrogen atoms is a covalent bond, where the atoms share electrons to achieve a more stable configuration. Carbon and hydrogen commonly form single bonds in organic molecules, which are strong and non-polar in nature.

Organic chemistry is based primarily on what element?

Carbon. Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of organic compounds, most of which contain carbon and hydrogen atoms. Carbon is uniquely versatile in bonding with a variety of other elements, allowing for the vast array of organic compounds found in nature.

What gives carbon the ability to form chains that are almost unilmitedin length?

Carbon has the ability to form long chains due to its tetravalent nature, meaning it can form four covalent bonds with other atoms. This allows carbon atoms to link with each other in a variety of ways, creating complex structures of varying lengths and shapes. Additionally, carbon-carbon bonds are stable and strong, further enabling the formation of extended chain structures.

What are the compounds that are made of carbon and hydrogen?

Compounds that are made of carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons. They are the simplest organic compounds and can be classified into different types such as alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes based on the types of carbon-carbon bonds present. These compounds are the basis for many organic molecules found in nature and are essential for life.

Six carbon sugar formula?

The formula for a six-carbon sugar is C6H12O6. This is the formula for glucose, which is one of the most common six-carbon sugars found in nature.

What the percent of carbon-12 and carbon-13 isotopes in nature?

The percent abundance of carbon-12 is around 98.9%, while the percent abundance of carbon-13 is approximately 1.1% in nature.

Example of isotopes?

One example of isotopes is carbon-12 (12C) and carbon-14 (14C). These isotopes have the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons. Carbon-12 is stable and commonly found in nature, while carbon-14 is radioactive and used for carbon dating.

Carbon dioxide contains carbon yet it is considered to be inorganic Why?

Carbon dioxide is considered inorganic because it does not contain hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon atoms. In organic chemistry, compounds must contain carbon-hydrogen bonds to be classified as organic. Carbon dioxide consists of carbon bound to oxygen atoms, making it inorganic.

Is CH3Ch3OH covalent?

Yes, CH3OH (methanol) is a covalent compound. It consists of covalent bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms, as well as carbon and oxygen atoms.

What is a mixture of carbon dioxide oxygen hydrogen?

This would be a gas mixture containing carbon dioxide, oxygen, and hydrogen. It is important to note that this particular combination is not commonly found in nature and would likely require intentional mixing of gases by humans.

What element is found in all organic molecules?

Carbon is the element found in all organic molecules. This is because carbon can form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and with other elements like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur, giving rise to the vast diversity of organic compounds found in nature.