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It is generally safe to use peroxide with silver fillings, but prolonged exposure to high concentrations of peroxide may cause some discoloration or degradation of the filling over time. It is always best to consult with your dentist before using any new dental products to ensure they are safe for your specific dental work.

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Q: Can you use peroxide with silver fillings?
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Can hydrogen peroxide dissolve silver?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide can dissolve silver over time due to its oxidizing properties. It reacts with the silver to form silver oxide, which can then dissolve into the hydrogen peroxide solution. However, this process is relatively slow and may not be practical for use as a primary method of dissolving silver.

What is the reaction between silver and hydrogen peroxide?

When silver reacts with hydrogen peroxide, it forms silver oxide (Ag2O) and water (H2O). This reaction typically involves the oxidation of silver by hydrogen peroxide to form silver oxide, releasing oxygen gas in the process.

What are Amalgams?

Amalgams are a type of material used in dentistry to fill cavities. They are made from a combination of metals such as silver, tin, copper, and mercury. Amalgam fillings have been used for many years due to their durability and strength.

Are silver fillings valuable?

Silver fillings contain a mixture of metals, including silver, tin, and mercury. While they do have some intrinsic value, the value is generally minimal due to the small amount of precious metals used in each filling. The value is not typically significant enough to warrant removal for recycling purposes.

How could you separate sawdust and iron fillings in a solution?

You can use a magnet to attract and separate the iron fillings from the sawdust. Place the magnet in the mixture and move it around to attract the iron fillings. The sawdust will not be affected by the magnet and can be separated from the iron fillings.

Related questions

Can hydrogen peroxide dissolve silver?

Yes, hydrogen peroxide can dissolve silver over time due to its oxidizing properties. It reacts with the silver to form silver oxide, which can then dissolve into the hydrogen peroxide solution. However, this process is relatively slow and may not be practical for use as a primary method of dissolving silver.

How do you strip silver from copper using hydrogen peroxide?

you use your brain

What does a dentist use to fill a cavity?

Traditional fillings are a mercury/silver mixture. These are the fillings everyone is used to seeing. On average these fillings will last 10-15 years in an adult, but they can fall out, and need to be replaced. Resin fillings are coloured to match your tooth, and have half the life-span of traditional fillings, however more people are opting to go with this type of filling for both cosmetic and health reasons, over recent concerns about mercury content in traditional silver fillings.

What is in dental fillings?

Metal fillings are either gold or an alloy of silver, silver amalgam, and titanium. Non-metallic fillings are a type of acrylic (methyl methacrylate), ceramic, glass ionomer cement, or a composite resin.

What is the reaction between silver and hydrogen peroxide?

When silver reacts with hydrogen peroxide, it forms silver oxide (Ag2O) and water (H2O). This reaction typically involves the oxidation of silver by hydrogen peroxide to form silver oxide, releasing oxygen gas in the process.

Is the element silver used in dentistry?

In dentistry, silver is most often used to make dental fillings. However, since more people are now opting for tooth-colored fillings, silver is not as widely used as it once was.

Do crowns have mercury?

No. Silver fillings contain mercury. Crowns do not.

When the Lone Ranger photographs his horse's fillings in the mirror?


What type of fillings do dentists use to fill an oral cavity?

There are numerous types of dental fillings that a dentist could use to fill a cavity. Examples of these include porcelain, gold or nickel alloys, composite resin and dental amalgam. Dental amalgam are the silver fillings and are a combination of tin, silver, liquid mercury and copper.

How do you separate iron fillings from aluminum fillings?

use a magnet

What metal is used in dentistry?

In dentistry, silver is most often used to make dental fillings. However, since more people are now opting for tooth-colored fillings, silver is not as widely used as it once was.

When the Lone Ranger photographs his horse's fillings in the mirror he must wonder why this?
