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Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Hydrogen, and Oxygen

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1mo ago

Yes, water is essential to life and it contains nonmetals (hydrogen and oxygen). Additionally, DNA and proteins, which are crucial biomolecules in living organisms, contain nonmetals such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and phosphorus.

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Q: Can you think of other substances essential to life that contain nonmetals?
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Are all substances that contain hydrogen acids?

No, not all substances that contain hydrogen are acids. Acids are substances that release hydrogen ions in water, while other substances that contain hydrogen may not necessarily do so. For example, elements like hydrogen gas or compounds like hydrocarbons do not exhibit acidic properties.

Substance containing no carbon or not pertaining to living things?

Inorganic compounds are substances that do not contain carbon and are not derived from living organisms. These compounds can include minerals, salts, metals, and other non-carbon containing substances. They are essential for various chemical processes and are found in nature as well as in many industrial applications.

What minerals are in oxygen?

Oxygen is not a mineral, it is an element. Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition and structure. Oxygen is a gas that is essential for life and commonly found as part of minerals such as oxides and silicates.

Identify the contents of each dropper bottle?

I can't see the bottles, but typically dropper bottles contain liquids like essential oils, tinctures, or other concentrated substances. It's important to check the label for specific contents.

What types of atoms compose each type of compound only metals only nonmetals or both?

For "only metals" the answer is alloys or intermetallic compounds, formed of course from atom of metals - the bonds are of metallic type.All other chemical compounds contain atoms of chemical elements, metals or nonmetals.

Related questions

Are molecular compounds made up of metals or nonmetals?

Molecular compounds are typically made up of nonmetals. Metals tend to form ionic compounds with nonmetals, whereas nonmetals tend to share electrons with other nonmetals, resulting in the formation of molecular compounds through covalent bonding.

What compounds are formed when nonmetals combine with other nonmetals?

Hydrogen, Oxygen, and krypton are substances that are combinations of nonmetals.

When nonmetals react with other nonmetals the atoms of nonmetals do what with electrons?


When nonmetals react with other nonmetal the atoms of the nonmetals?

The nonmetals share the atoms when reacting with each other.

Are all substances that contain hydrogen acids?

No, not all substances that contain hydrogen are acids. Acids are substances that release hydrogen ions in water, while other substances that contain hydrogen may not necessarily do so. For example, elements like hydrogen gas or compounds like hydrocarbons do not exhibit acidic properties.

What does inorganic mean?

Inorganic refers to substances or compounds that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds. Inorganic chemistry focuses on the properties and behaviors of elements and compounds other than carbon. Examples of inorganic substances include salts, metals, nonmetals, and minerals.

What element has calcium?

Calcium is itself an element. Elements do not contain other substances.

What are the compounds present in halogens?

Halogens are a group of elements that consist of fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. These elements can form compounds with various other elements, such as hydrogen (e.g. hydrogen fluoride), metals (e.g. sodium chloride), and non-metals (e.g. carbon tetrachloride). These compounds often exhibit unique properties due to the high reactivity of halogens.

What are formed when nonmetals combine with other nonmetals?


Alcohol is a dreppresant?

Alcohol is an intoxicant, not a depressant. Some alcoholic beverages contain other substances such as hops, which contain chemicals that are depressants .

Substance containing no carbon or not pertaining to living things?

Inorganic compounds are substances that do not contain carbon and are not derived from living organisms. These compounds can include minerals, salts, metals, and other non-carbon containing substances. They are essential for various chemical processes and are found in nature as well as in many industrial applications.

HOW uranium react with other substances?

Uranium is a reactive metal and can react with all nonmetals and metalloids (excepting noble gases); also many alloys of uranium are known.