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yes i think

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3mo ago

X-rays have a shorter wavelength, therefore they cannot directly image individual copper atoms. X-ray diffraction techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, can be used to study the atomic structure of crystals containing copper atoms.

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Q: Can you see copper atoms in x-rays?
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Can airport xrays see if you are on your period?

No they cannot.

How many atoms are there in a copper and what are they?

Copper is an element. You can have a single atom or many atoms and it's still copper.

If a sample of copper contains 1.76E 4 atoms of copper-63 and 7.88E 3 atoms of copper-65 what is the percentage of copper-63 atoms in the sample?

To find the percentage of copper-63 atoms in the sample, first add the number of copper-63 and copper-65 atoms together (1.76E4 + 7.88E3). Then, divide the number of copper-63 atoms by the total number of atoms and multiply by 100 to get the percentage. In this case, the percentage of copper-63 atoms in the sample is approximately 69.0%.

How many atoms of copper are there in 497.3 grams of copper?

The answer is 47,128 x 1023 atoms.

Where is the excess copper from after adding zinc to copper sulfate?

The "excess" metallic copper produced by adding zinc metal to a copper sulfate solution comes from exchanging zinc atoms from the metal for copper atoms from the copper sulfate solution. During the reaction, the zinc atoms are ionized to cations and the copper cations from the solution are reduced to neutral atoms.

How many atoms are in copper phosphate?

Copper phosphate has the chemical formula Cu3(PO4)2. To determine the number of atoms, you need to add up the atoms in each element present. In this case, there are 3 copper atoms, 2 phosphorus atoms, and 8 oxygen atoms, totaling 13 atoms in copper phosphate.

How many atoms does Cu2O?

Copper(I) oxide (Cu2O) contains 3 atoms: 2 copper atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

What do you call the particles inside a piece of copper?

Copper is precipitated from geothermal heat vents, And the atoms well colect the same over and over tell the copper material is large enough to see, though with small change`s in mineralization in the insolution the form of the copper well grow in many shapes and size`s.

Is a sample of pure copper all atoms have?

In a sample of pure copper, all atoms have the same number of protons in their nucleus, which defines the element as copper. However, individual copper atoms may have varying numbers of neutrons, resulting in different isotopes of copper.

How many atoms are there in a molecule of copper?

There is one atom in a molecule of copper (Cu). Copper is a metallic element with a single atom in its molecular structure.

Which chemical formula contains 6 copper Cu atoms?

The chemical formula that contains 6 copper atoms is Cu6. Each molecule of this compound would contain 6 copper atoms.

What is the formula for 1 atom of copper and 2 atoms of chlorine?

The formula for 1 atom of copper and 2 atoms of chlorine is CuCl2, which represents one copper atom bonded to two chlorine atoms.