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Yes, you can burn a piece of wood by bringing a lighted matchstick near it if the wood is dry and flammable. The heat from the matchstick can ignite the wood, causing it to catch fire and burn.

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Q: Can you burn a piece of wood by bringing a lighted matchstick near it?
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Matchstick when burn on Without friction?

A matchstick can burn without friction because the heat generated by the initial friction of striking the match head is enough to ignite the matchstick. The heat causes the matchstick to react with the oxygen in the air, which initiates the combustion process and allows the matchstick to continue burning.

Did the matchstick burn for a long or just for a short time why?

A matchstick burns for a short time because it is designed to ignite quickly and provide a rapid flame to light a fire. The small size of the matchstick limits the amount of fuel available for burning, leading to a short duration of the flame.

Why you say that a paper or matchstick as a combustible substance?

Anything that can burn is a combustible substance.

Why should you never put lighted Bunsen burner under a shelf?

because the fire will burn up the shelf.

What kind of change occurred when the matchstick?

potencial energy

A lighted splint is put into a gas jar of helium . what would happen?

the lighted splint would stop burning as Helium does not burn.

Why sulfur dioxide produce to burn matchstick?

When a matchstick is struck, sulfur dioxide is produced due to the combustion of sulfur-containing compounds found in the match head. This chemical reaction releases energy in the form of heat, which ignites the matchstick, allowing it to burn and produce a flame. The presence of sulfur in the match head contributes to the production of sulfur dioxide gas during this combustion process.

What is a candle with a match?

A candle with a match refers to using a matchstick to light a candle. The matchstick is struck against a rough surface to create a spark that ignites the candle's wick, allowing it to burn and provide light.

What makes matchstick burn with matchbox?

A matchstick is coated with a mixture of phosphorus and an oxidizing agent on its tip. When struck against the matchbox, friction generates enough heat to ignite the phosphorus, which then reacts with the oxidizer to produce a flame.

Is matchstick an example of chemical energy to light energy?

No, a matchstick is an example of chemical energy being converted to thermal energy and light energy during combustion. The chemical energy stored in the matchstick is released when ignited, resulting in the production of heat and light.