Matter in the liquid state can take the shape of a container. However, a liquid has a definite volume. On the other hand, a gas can do both, that is take the shape and volume or size of a container.
A gas takes the shape of its container because the particles are far apart and move freely. Liquids also take the shape of the container but have a fixed volume due to closer particle arrangement. Solids have both fixed shape and volume because their particles are tightly packed.
A gas will always take the shape and volume of its container. Gas particles are free to move around and fill the space they are in.
Both a liquid and a gas take the shape of their containers. The difference is that the liquid has a definite volume, and the gas simply diffuses to all portions of the container it is put in.
In a solid the particles are in a regular patten and are packed tightly together so it doesn't take the shape of it's container. The particles in liquids and gases are more spread out and able to move and bounce against the sides of the container. Basically since they are more spread out the can move and change shape. I'm pretty sure this is right. .
Gas does not have a fixed shape or volume. It fills the entire container it is placed in, taking on the shape and volume of its container.
Helium is a gas and does not have a fixed shape. It takes the shape of its container.
Both a gas and a liquid will take the shape of its container.
Yes. A gas will take on both the shape and size of tis container.
Both a gas and a liquid will take the shape of its container.
It will completely fill the container.
Both a gas and a liquid will take the shape of its container.
Yes it can See a gas it needs to change its shape in order to fit into a container or anything that it can be in for instance....If i had a square container and a cirlce container the gas is going to have to change its shape to fit in to the round container...if the gas starts out in the square container it has to change its shape into a circle to be able to be in the circle container
Matter in the liquid state can take the shape of a container. However, a liquid has a definite volume. On the other hand, a gas can do both, that is take the shape and volume or size of a container.
A gas will always take the shape and volume of its container. Gas particles are free to move around and fill the space they are in.
A gas takes the shape of its container because the particles are far apart and move freely. Liquids also take the shape of the container but have a fixed volume due to closer particle arrangement. Solids have both fixed shape and volume because their particles are tightly packed.
Gas and liquid will take it