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Yes, ammonia freezes at freezes at −77.7 °C.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 3mo ago

Yes, ammonia can become frozen at temperatures below -33.3 degrees Celsius (-28 degrees Fahrenheit). At this temperature, ammonia solidifies into a crystalline substance.

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Is ammonia pungent when frozen?

Modern home freezers don't contain ammonia; but ammonia can be used as a refrigerant.

Does freezing ammonia destroy its properties?

Freezing ammonia does not destroy its properties. However, the expansion of the liquid when it freezes can cause containers to rupture. Care should be taken when freezing ammonia to prevent this from happening.

What planet has a frozen atomsphere?

In our own solar system, Uranus has a frozen atmosphere made up largely of ammonia and methane ice crystals.

Why does fish smell like ammonia after cooking if it was frozen?

Cod fish or any type of fish will have ammonia like smell when it is no longer fresh. This smell will begin to appear as you are cooking it. It may also have a taste that is similar to ammonia, too.

Why can't frozen fish become alive again?

The fish is frozen, and if frozen can't be resuscitated.

What is made out of dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water methane and ammonia?

Comets are made out of dust and rock particles mixed with frozen water, methane, and ammonia. These celestial objects orbit the Sun and can be composed of a mixture of various materials, including these volatile substances.

Can an ice Pokemon become frozen?

No, ice-type PokΓ©mon cannot become frozen in battle. They are immune to being frozen due to their typing.

Which planets are made of frozen gases?

Uranus and Neptune are composed mainly of frozen gases like methane, ammonia, and water. These planets are referred to as ice giants due to the significant presence of these frozen gases in their atmospheres.

Which planet's interior made of partially frozen water and ammonia?

That could be Uranus or Neptune. Theory suggests they have similar interiors.

What is ammonia ice?

Ammonia ice is a compound made up of ammonia (NH3) and water (H2O) molecules that freeze together at low temperatures. It is often found in the outer regions of the solar system, such as on moons like Jupiter's Europa or Saturn's Enceladus. Ammonia ice can also be used in various industrial processes and applications, such as in refrigeration systems.

How does a fluid become a solid?

When it becomes frozen.

Is weak ammonia an acid or a base?

Weak ammonia is a base. When you dissolve ammonia in water. Water gives its H(+) to ammonia and become OH(-) anion. Ammonia becomes NH(4)(+) cation. As it is receiving H(+) ion, ammonia is basic.