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Yes, a type of fast neutron (without a moderator) reactor called a breeder reactor can make plutonium fuel much faster than it consumes uranium fuel. If fueled with plutonium fuel instead of uranium fuel, it also makes more plutonium fuel than it consumes.

But all other reactor types are unable to do this (even though they all make some plutonium during operation).

Note: a slight variant of a breeder reactor sometimes called a burner reactor is designed to rapidly fission all actinides (elements from actinium up through all transuranics) to eliminate long lived isotopes from nuclear waste.

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4mo ago

Yes, it is possible for a nuclear reactor to produce more fuel than it consumes through processes like breeding. Breeding involves converting non-fissile material into fissile material, allowing for the creation of more fuel. However, the economics and practicalities of implementing breeding in nuclear reactors can vary depending on factors such as reactor design and cost.

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Q: Can a nuclear reactor make more fuel than it uses?
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Which Fuel is used in Fast Breeder Reactor?

Fast Breeder Reactors typically use a combination of plutonium-239 and uranium-238 as fuel. This type of reactor produces more fissile material than it consumes, making it an efficient way to generate nuclear power.

Why did they add boron to water to dump on the nuclear reactor?

Boron helps to absorb neutrons in a nuclear reactor, which can help control the nuclear reaction and prevent a meltdown. By adding boron to water and then dumping it on the reactor, they can effectively shut down the nuclear reaction in case of an emergency.

What kind of toxic waste are produced by nuclear energy?

Nuclear energy produces radioactive waste, which can remain hazardous for thousands of years. This waste includes spent fuel rods, contaminated materials, and other byproducts of nuclear reactions. Safely storing and disposing of this waste is a major challenge for the industry.

Why must uranium be enriched before it can be used as a fuel source in a nuclear reactor?

Uranium must be enriched to increase the concentration of uranium-235 isotope, which is the isotope that undergoes fission in nuclear reactors. Natural uranium primarily consists of uranium-238, which is not as efficient at sustaining a nuclear chain reaction. Enrichment increases the proportion of uranium-235, making the fuel more suitable for use in reactors.

Do fossil fuels have a higher or lower energy content than a similar mass of nuclear fuel?

Nuclear fuel has a higher energy content than fossil fuels. A small amount of nuclear fuel can generate a significant amount of energy compared to a similar mass of fossil fuels due to the high energy density of nuclear reactions.

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What type of reactor produces more fuel than it consumes?

a fission nuclear reactor -binky

How are breeder reactors different from regular nuclear reactors?

A breeder reactor generates (in a way) new fuel, sometimes more fuel than it uses, by converting non-fissionable isotopes into fissionable isotopes, through neutron capture.

How are breeder reactors and nuclear reactor different?

The breeder reactor produce more fissile fuel than what is consumed while this is not the case for other nuclear reactors.

What is a type of reactor that produces electricity but in doing so creates new nuclear fuel?

A breeder reactor is a type of reactor that produces electricity while also creating new nuclear fuel. It achieves this by converting non-fissile isotopes into fissile fuel as it operates, effectively "breeding" its own fuel.

How many kilos of uranium in a nuclear reactor?

The amount of uranium in a nuclear reactor depends on its size and design. On average, a typical reactor may contain several tons of uranium fuel in the form of uranium dioxide pellets that are stacked in fuel rods. For example, a 1000-megawatt nuclear reactor may have around 100-150 tons of uranium fuel.

How does one use a breeder reactor?

It would be used as a more efficient version of a Nuclear Reactor. While a regular nuclear reactor requires almost a factor of 100 greater in fuel amounts, a Breeder reactor uses much less and produces less waste.

What is the radius of radiation from a nuclear reactor?

The radius of radiation from a nuclear reactor can vary depending on factors such as the reactor's power output, type of nuclear fuel used, and containment measures in place. Generally, an exclusion zone of several kilometers is established around a nuclear reactor to protect the public from potential radiation exposure.

Are there more are there one type of nuclear reactor?

the boiling water reactor, pressurized water reactor, and the LMFB reactor

How much uranium produces nuclear power?

A typical nuclear power plant requires approximately 27 metric tons of uranium fuel per year to produce electricity. This amount can vary depending on the specific reactor design and fuel cycle used. The energy produced from uranium in a nuclear reactor is much more concentrated than energy from other traditional sources like coal or natural gas.

How many pounds of uranium are in a nuclear reactor?

The amount of uranium in a nuclear reactor can vary depending on the size and type of reactor. Generally, a small reactor can contain several hundred pounds of uranium, while a larger reactor can contain several tons.

How many more years of nuclear fuel do you have?

We currently have enough nuclear fuel to last for several decades. The exact amount of time may vary depending on factors such as energy demand, reactor efficiency, and advancements in fuel recycling technologies.

What part of the nuclear powerplant does the chain reaction occur?

The chain reaction in a nuclear power plant occurs in the reactor core, where nuclear fission reactions take place. Heat generated from these reactions is used to produce steam, which then drives turbines to generate electricity.