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Cl2 + F2 >> 2ClF

5.00 X 10^-3 grams ClF (1mol ClF/54.45g )(1mol Cl2/2mol ClF )(70.9g Cl2/1mol Cl2 )

3.25 X 10^-3 grams of chlorine gas

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3mo ago

To find the mass of chlorine gas needed, we need to use the balanced chemical equation for the reaction. Since the equation is not provided, I can't calculate the mass without it. Please provide the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between chlorine gas and fluorine gas to form chlorine monofluoride, and I can assist you further.

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Q: Calculate the mass of chlorine gas required to produce 5.00 x 10 to negative third power g of Chlorine monofluoride given an excess of fluorine gas?
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What happens when Fluorine atom reacts with a chlorine atom?

When a fluorine atom reacts with a chlorine atom, they form a diatomic molecule called chlorine monofluoride (ClF). This reaction results in the sharing of electrons between the two atoms to achieve a stable octet configuration, with chlorine providing one electron and fluorine providing seven electrons.

What is Cl F?

Cl F stands for chlorine fluoride, which is a chemical compound containing both chlorine and fluorine elements. It is used in various industrial applications and research purposes.

What is the balanced equation of chlorine and fluorine?

The balanced equation for the reaction between chlorine and fluorine is: Cl2 + F2 → 2ClF

Fluorine electronegativity compare to the electronegativity of oxygen and chlorine?

Fluorine has the highest electronegativity out of oxygen and chlorine, with a value of 4. Oxygen has an electronegativity of 3.44 and chlorine has an electronegativity of 3.16. This means that fluorine has a stronger tendency to attract electrons compared to oxygen and chlorine.

Is fluorine similar properties to chlorine?

Yes, fluorine and chlorine are both halogens and share similar properties such as being highly reactive and having similar chemical behaviors. However, fluorine is more reactive and has a smaller atomic size compared to chlorine.

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What Element Would Be Least Reactive Out Of Chlorine Iodine Bromine And Fluorine?

Bromine would be the least reactive out of chlorine, iodine, bromine, and fluorine. It is a nonmetal halogen that has lower reactivity compared to fluorine, chlorine, and iodine.

What elements would likely be most like chlorine and why?

Fluorine is similar to chlorine.

What is more reatice fluorine or chlorine?

Fluorine is more reactive than chlorine. This is because fluorine has a higher electronegativity and a smaller atomic size, making it more eager to gain an electron and form bonds with other elements.

What is the siblings of fluorine?

Fluorine has two siblings: chlorine and bromine. They all belong to the same group, Group 17 (halogens), in the periodic table.

What is the formula of chlorine trifluoride?

The formula of chlorine trifluoride is ClF3, which represents one chlorine atom bonded to three fluorine atoms.