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0.0280 moles

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3mo ago

To calculate the moles of NaOH present in 11.2 mL of 2.50 M NaOH solution, use the formula: moles = Molarity x Volume (in liters). First convert 11.2 mL to liters (11.2 mL = 0.0112 L). Then, plug the values into the formula: moles = 2.50 mol/L x 0.0112 L = 0.028 moles of NaOH.

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Q: Calculate the amount of naOH moles presesnt in 11.2 mL of 2.50 M NaOH solution?
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How to calculate excess moles of acid in titration?

To calculate the excess moles of acid in a titration, subtract the moles of base used from the initial moles of acid. This will give you the amount of acid that was not neutralized by the base and therefore the excess moles of acid present in the solution.

How do you calculate moles from molarity?

To calculate moles from molarity, you use the formula: moles = molarity x volume (in liters). Simply multiply the molarity of the solution by the volume of the solution in liters to find the number of moles present in the solution.

What is the number of moles of solute in 30 ml of 0.2M hydrochloric acid solution?

To find the number of moles of solute in the solution, you first need to calculate the amount of solute in moles using the formula: moles = molarity x volume (in liters). Since the volume given is in milliliters, you need to convert it to liters by dividing by 1000. Then, you can calculate the moles of hydrochloric acid in 30 ml of 0.2M solution.

A solution contains 72.0 g of HCl and 468 g of (C6H6). What is the mole fraction of benzene?

First, calculate the moles of each component: moles of HCl = 72.0 g / molar mass of HCl and moles of C6H6 = 468 g / molar mass of C6H6. Then, calculate the total moles in the solution by adding the moles of each component. Finally, calculate the mole fraction of benzene by dividing the moles of C6H6 by the total moles in the solution.

How do you calculate of NaOH in solution procedure?

To calculate the concentration of NaOH in a solution, you would typically measure the volume of the solution and the amount of NaOH used to prepare it. Then, you can use the formula: Concentration (in mol/L) = amount of NaOH (in mol) / volume of solution (in L) to determine the concentration. Make sure to convert any given amount of NaOH from grams to moles before calculating.

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How to calculate excess moles of acid in titration?

To calculate the excess moles of acid in a titration, subtract the moles of base used from the initial moles of acid. This will give you the amount of acid that was not neutralized by the base and therefore the excess moles of acid present in the solution.

How do you calculate concentration of phosphoric acid?

To calculate the concentration of phosphoric acid, you need to know the volume of the solution containing phosphoric acid and the amount of phosphoric acid in moles present in the solution. By dividing the amount of phosphoric acid in moles by the volume of the solution in liters, you can calculate the concentration in units of moles per liter (Molarity).

How do you calculate moles from molarity?

To calculate moles from molarity, you use the formula: moles = molarity x volume (in liters). Simply multiply the molarity of the solution by the volume of the solution in liters to find the number of moles present in the solution.

To calculate the molarity of a solution, you need to know the moles of solute and the?

You need to know the moles of solute and the VOLUME of SOLUTION.

What is the number of moles of solute in 30 ml of 0.2M hydrochloric acid solution?

To find the number of moles of solute in the solution, you first need to calculate the amount of solute in moles using the formula: moles = molarity x volume (in liters). Since the volume given is in milliliters, you need to convert it to liters by dividing by 1000. Then, you can calculate the moles of hydrochloric acid in 30 ml of 0.2M solution.

A solution contains 72.0 g of HCl and 468 g of (C6H6). What is the mole fraction of benzene?

First, calculate the moles of each component: moles of HCl = 72.0 g / molar mass of HCl and moles of C6H6 = 468 g / molar mass of C6H6. Then, calculate the total moles in the solution by adding the moles of each component. Finally, calculate the mole fraction of benzene by dividing the moles of C6H6 by the total moles in the solution.

What is the molarity a measure of?

Molarity (M) indicates the number of moles of solute per liter of solution (moles/Liter) and is one of the most common units used to measure the concentration of a solution. Molarity can be used to calculate the volume of solvent or the amount of solute.

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To find the mole fraction of ethanol, you first calculate the total moles of the solution, which is 3.00 + 5.00 = 8.00 moles. Then, you divide the moles of ethanol by the total moles of the solution: 3.00 moles / 8.00 moles = 0.375. So, the mole fraction of ethanol in the solution is 0.375.

How do you calculate of NaOH in solution procedure?

To calculate the concentration of NaOH in a solution, you would typically measure the volume of the solution and the amount of NaOH used to prepare it. Then, you can use the formula: Concentration (in mol/L) = amount of NaOH (in mol) / volume of solution (in L) to determine the concentration. Make sure to convert any given amount of NaOH from grams to moles before calculating.

A certain amount of hydrogen peroxide was dissolved in 100 ml of water and then titrated with 1.68m kmno4 how much h2o2 was dissolved if the titration required 22.3 ml of the kmno4 solution?

To calculate the amount of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) dissolved, you can use the equation: moles of KMnO4 = moles of H2O2. Firstly, calculate the moles of KMnO4 (given concentration and volume). Then, use the balanced chemical equation to determine the moles of H2O2, as they have a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio. Finally, convert moles of H2O2 to grams using the molar mass to find the amount dissolved in the solution.

What is the pH of a solution that contains 1.2 moles of nitric acid (HNO3) and 1.7 moles of hydrochloride acid (HCI) dissolved in 1000 liters of water?

To calculate the pH of the solution, first determine the total moles of H+ ions in the solution by adding the moles of H+ ions from both acids. Then, calculate the molarity of the H+ ions in the solution by dividing the total moles by the volume of the solution in liters. Finally, use the formula pH = -log[H+].

How many moles of solute are contained in the following solution 17.33 mL 2.17 M CaCl2?

To find the moles of solute, first calculate the amount of CaCl2 in the solution: 17.33 mL * 2.17 mol/L = 37.6561 mmol of CaCl2. Then convert this to moles: 37.6561 mmol / 1000 = 0.0377 mol of CaCl2 in the solution.