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no, hydrogen is a molecule

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3mo ago

Molecules can be composed of hydrogen atoms along with other elements such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and more. Water (H2O) is an example of a molecule made up of hydrogen along with oxygen.

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Q: Are molecules made up of hydrogen?
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Does apple juice have hydrogen in it?

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The definition of an organic molecule is 'carbon containing.' The hydrogen is not necessary, but is often present.

What is made up of molecules?

A water molecule (H2O) is made up of 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen.

Are water molecules made up individual water molecules?

no. atoms are the basic blocks. atoms fit together in certain ways to create molecules. Water is made up of two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule.

What is water made of?

Water is made up from two elements. Hydrogen and Oxygen. There are 2 Hydrogen atoms/molecules and 1 oxygen. The symbol for water is H2O

What molecules make up nitrogen?

nitrogen is an atom, it isn't made up of atoms, though all elements are made up of hydrogen and helium

Does atoms make up ice?

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Is there hydrogen and oxygen in snow and ice?

Yes, snow and ice are made up of water molecules, which consist of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. When water freezes into ice or falls as snow, the molecules arrange themselves into a crystal structure, forming the solid forms we see.

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The sides of the ladder are made up of alternating deoxyribose sugar and phosphate molecules. The steps or rungs of the ladder are made up of nitrogenous bases held together by hydrogen bonds.

What element are fats made of?

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