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It depends on the alkaline substance you use. A soluble ionic base, such as sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or potassium hydroxide (potash lye), would conduct electricity well. A solution containing a covalent base such as ammonia would be a poorer conductor.

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4mo ago

Alkali solutions, such as those containing sodium or potassium hydroxide, can conduct electricity because they dissociate into ions in water. The presence of free ions allows for the flow of electric current, making alkali solutions good conductors of electricity.

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No. Metals are good electrical conductors.

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Some examples of bad conductors of electricity include rubber, plastic, glass, and wood. These materials have high resistance to the flow of electric current, which makes them poor conductors.

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Bad conductors of electricity are materials that do not easily allow the flow of electric current. They have high resistance to the movement of electrons, resulting in very low conductivity. Materials like rubber, glass, and plastic are considered bad conductors of electricity.

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Rubber, wood, plastic, and glass are examples of materials that are poor conductors of electricity. These materials have high electrical resistance, preventing the flow of electricity through them.

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Scientifically speaking, metals aren't bad conductors. Only nonmetals are poor conductors and metalloids have the possibility of being a poor conductor.

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