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Producers, like plants, use photosynthesis to synthesize glucose for energy. Consumers, including animals, use cellular respiration to break down glucose and release energy stored in food. Both processes involve chemical reactions that convert energy from one form to another.

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Q: All producers and consumers use the chemical process of respiration to synthesize?
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What chemical process(es) do producers and consumers share What chemical process(es) do they not share?

I don't know, someone answer PLEAZ!

Why are autotrophs sometimes referred to as producers and heterotrophs as consumers?

Autotroph are producers which is life forms that can transfer solar energy into chemical energy. However, heterotrophs are consumers dependent on the chemical energy produced by autotrophs.

How energy is recycled constantly in an ecosystym?

Energy in an ecosystem is constantly recycled through the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Producers such as plants convert sunlight into chemical energy, which is then consumed by consumers. When consumers feed on these producers, they obtain this energy and release it through respiration, completing the cycle. Decomposers also play a crucial role in breaking down dead organic matter and returning nutrients back to the ecosystem.

What is the name of the energy released from food in a chemical reaction called?

Respiration is the series of chemical reactions used to release energy stored in food molecules. it is also the process by which producers and consumers release stored energy from food molecules.

What is a chemical product of photosynthesis that is used by consumers?

Glucose is a chemical product of photosynthesis that is used by consumers for energy production in cellular respiration.

What are the roles of the producers consumers and decomposers?

Producers produce their own food, using photosynthesis to convert sunlight and oxygen into a simple sugar to consume. Consumers eat the producers and other consumers. They get energy from the things they eat. Decomposers break down dead organisms into chemicals to be put back into the soil. Producers use that chemical to grow. The cycle goes on and on, until some humans go and corrupt it.

Do consumers have the greatest amount of energy in an ecosystem?

No, producers have the greatest amount of energy in an ecosystem because they are able to convert sunlight into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Consumers obtain energy by consuming producers or other consumers, but they do not generate as much energy as producers do.

Why are consumers at the bottom of the food chain?

Producers are placed at the bottom of the food chain because the do not eat other living organisms and instead get their energy though the sun.

Do consumers get energy indirectly from the sun?

Yes, consumers indirectly get energy from the sun through various processes. The sun's energy is captured by plants during photosynthesis, converting it into chemical energy stored in the form of carbohydrates. Consumers then obtain this energy by consuming plants or other organisms that have consumed plants.

How do organism in each of the three energy roles obtain chemical energy?

Producers Consumer Decomposer

What are the steps in the flow of energy through living system?

I think you might be thinking of this: Decomposers--bacteria and fungi that break down dead things into the mineral components to be consumed by the producers Tertiary consumers--animals that eat carrion (dead things) Secondary consumers--predators and omnivores that eat the primary consumers Primary consumers--herbivores that eat the producers Producers--things like plants that make their own food

Why is respiration important to organic organism?

Most life uses the chemical process of oxidation to obtain the chemical energy needed to run cellular activities and synthesize other molecules. The oxygen for this process is obtained from the air via respiration.