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3mo ago

Acetate's ability to dissolve in acetone is used in the production of Chantilly lace. This process involves immersing a lace fabric made of acetate fibers in acetone to dissolve the backing, leaving behind the intricate lace pattern.

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Q: Acetate's ability to dissolve in acetone is used in the production of which one of these types of lace?
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Caffeine is soluble in water - but not HIGHLY soluble. You can dissolve a lot more caffeine in the same volume of water compared to what will dissolve in an equal volume of acetone. It dissolves better in hot acetone than in cold acetone.

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Answer Acetone will dissolve many dyes so probably yes. Acetone will also dissolve many plastic based cloths.

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Cyclohexanol is most soluble in polar solvents such as water, due to its ability to form hydrogen bonds. It can also dissolve in organic solvents like ethanol or acetone.

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Try acetone. It will dissolve most plastics. Wear gloves to protect your hands (acetone will dissolve all the oils from your hands also!).

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When polystyrene (a plastic) is in contact with acetone, it can dissolve or soften the polystyrene. This is because acetone is a solvent that can break the bonds within the polystyrene polymer, causing it to swell or dissolve.

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Yes, benzoic acid can dissolve in acetone because both are polar compounds. Acetone is a polar aprotic solvent that can effectively dissolve polar molecules like benzoic acid.

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A solvent is used to dissolve another substance. Solvents are liquids that have the ability to dissolve other substances, known as solutes, to create a solution. Examples of common solvents include water, alcohol, and acetone.

Is tripalmitin dissolve in acetone?

Yes, tripalmitin is generally soluble in acetone due to their similar polarities. Acetone is a polar aprotic solvent that can effectively dissolve non-polar compounds like tripalmitin.