

A physical property of gold is it?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Gold's physical properties include how it looks, the way it feels, the density of the gold, and many other factors of its physicality. Physical properties are often some of the most revealing properties of objects.

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15y ago

It is very ductile

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Q: A physical property of gold is it?
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The density of solid gold is a physical property, as it is a characteristic that can be measured without changing the chemical composition of the substance.

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Yes, density is a physical property.

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No, the physical property is DENSITY. Iron pyrite is less dense than gold.

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Yes, gold is non-flammable because it does not react with oxygen at normal temperatures. This is a physical property of gold based on its inherent chemical structure.

Is non-flammable a physical property of gold?

Yes, non-flammability is a physical property of gold. Gold does not react with oxygen at normal temperatures, so it does not ignite or burn easily, making it a highly desirable material for various applications.

Is color of gold physical property?

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Yes, the appearance of yellow gold is an example of a physical property because it can be observed and measured without changing the substance itself. Physical properties are characteristics that can be seen or measured without altering the composition of the material.

Is mallreable a physical or chemical?

It's a physical property. Consider the metal gold. It is wonderfully malleable. It has been hammered into gold leaf for centuries.

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Is ductility physical or chemical?

Ductility, the property of a substance to be drawn out into a thin wire is a physical property associated with some metals, such as gold, silver and copper.