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The heat should automatically tell you how much energy you will need to add to that solution in order to raise the temperature one degree. This problem already tells you, the temperature change, along with the heat capacities of the things undergoing the change. In result, we could calculate how much energy was added to the solution to change the reaction.

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To calculate the heat released or absorbed during the reaction, you can use the formula q = mcΔT, where q is the heat, m is the mass of the solution, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature. With the initial and final temperatures given, you can calculate the overall change in temperature. This information will allow you to determine the heat exchanged during the reaction.

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Q: A 50 ml sample of a 1.00m solution of cuso4 is mixed with 50 ml of 2 m koh in a calorimeter the temperature of both solutions was 20.2 C before mixing and 26.3 C after mixing?
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What is the importance of wiping the ice before introducing it to the water in the calorimeter?

The specific heat of water is different from the specific heat of ice and so 'wet ice' into a calorimeter experiment can increase the mass of water in the calorimeter and become a source of unaccuracy.

If crystal solute was dropped into a solution and it was dissolved The original solution was?

The original solution was saturated with the crystal solute, meaning it was holding the maximum amount of solute that could be dissolved at that temperature. When the crystal solute was dropped in and dissolved, the solution became supersaturated briefly before it reached a new equilibrium.

Why is it important to determine the q calorimeter before determining the q metal?

Determining the q calorimeter (heat capacity of the calorimeter) is important because it allows for accurate calculations of the heat gained or lost by the calorimeter during an experiment. This value is then used to correct the heat measurements for the system (q metal) being studied, ensuring the heat transfer calculations are precise. Without accounting for the q calorimeter, the heat measurements for the system may be inaccurate.

Are alkaline solutions always safe to drink?

Not necessarily. While some alkaline solutions are safe to drink, not all alkaline solutions are safe for human consumption. It is important to know the specific composition and pH level of the solution before drinking it to ensure it is safe.

What is the limitation and recommendation of water and salt solution?

One limitation of using water and salt solutions is that high concentrations of salt can be harmful to plants and animals if released into the environment. It is recommended to properly dispose of salt solutions by diluting them with large amounts of water before disposal. Additionally, it is important to avoid using excessive amounts of salt in solutions to minimize potential negative impacts.

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What is the importance of wiping the ice before introducing it to the water in the calorimeter?

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Why is it important to determine the q calorimeter before determining the q metal?

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