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Mostly to drive the steam turbine. Smaller amounts may be used for in house tasks like preheating feed water.

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Q: What is the steam in a power plant used for?
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What is used to carry steam and water in a power plant?

We see the wide use of pipe to carry steam and water in a power plant. Insulation is applied where necessary.

What is a steam generator used for in a fossil fuel power plant?

To convert the heat of combustion to steam which can be used in an engine.

In a nuclear power plant what is used to change water into steam?

Heat from the nuclear reaction changes water to steam.

What is work of gland steam cooler in steam power plant?

gland steam cooler is used to cool steam of gland sealing comes from turbine

How electricity is produced in a power plant?

In a nuclear power plant, the heat energy released from fission is used to change water into steam. the steam then turns the blades of a turbine to generate electricity.

In a nuclear power plant what is used to change water to steam?

Heat from the nuclear reaction changes water to steam.

Describe the role of steam in a nuclear power plant?

In a nuclear power plant, steam is generated by heat produced from the nuclear fission reaction. This steam is used to spin turbines connected to generators, producing electricity. The steam is then condensed back into water and reused in a continuous cycle.

What is the reason of white smoke from chimney of power plant?

it is steam from water being used as a coolant for the plant.

What type of energy does power plant generate?

Electricity and steam. In some locations the steam is used to heat homes and businesses.

What is used to turn water into steam in a nuclear power plant?

In a nuclear power plant, water is turned into steam through a process called nuclear fission. The heat generated by the nuclear reaction heats water within the reactor, turning it into steam. This steam is then used to drive turbines connected to generators, producing electricity.

What are three types of geothermal energy?

Dry Steam Power Plant : generates power directly from the steam from inside the earth.Flash Steam Power Plant : Flash steam plants use waters at temperatures greater than 360F. As this hot water flows up, it is collected in a flash tank where drop in pressure causes the liquid to boil into steam. The steam is then used to run turbines which in turn generate power. The condensed steam is returned to the reservoir.Binary Steam Power Plant : This type of plant uses high temperature geothermal water to heat another liquid which has a lower boiling point than water.

What has the author George Frederick Gebhardt written?

George Frederick Gebhardt has written: 'Steam power plant engineering' 'Steam power plant engineering' -- subject(s): Steam power plants