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No, 'distillate' is not the same as diesel fuel. It is more like kerosene and is used in engines that have spark plugs for ignition rather than high compression to ignite the (injected) fuel. Distillate engines often have a small gasoline tank so they will start col on gasoline and you switch it to distillate after it warms up.

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Q: Is diesel fuel the same as distillate?
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What do Americans call diesel?

Diesel is a type of fuel used in diesel engines. It is a petroleum based fuel. In the UK it is called DERV and in Australia it is known as distillate.

Why is diesel often called a distillate?

Diesel is often called a distillate because it is obtained through a process called fractional distillation during petroleum refining. This process separates crude oil into various components based on their boiling points, with diesel fuel typically being distilled at a temperature range of 200-350 degrees Celsius.

How much Diesel Fuel in Liters can be made from a single barrel of oil?

about 37 liters based on 9.83(estimates vary) gal/barrel (42gal) of distillate fuel oil (home heating and diesel)

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Diesel fuel... made from refinery Distillate #2, also know as GASOIL. Diesel used as fuels to cars is a variant of D2, but with additives to make the engine run better (in particular in the winter).

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Diesel just like gasoline and kerosene are a refinement of crude oil. Diesel is known as 'diesel oil' or 'heavy oil' and is the heaviest distillate of crude oil. Petrol is a spirit and is the lightest distillate.

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All fuel oils have a flash point of 490F (254C). Distillate fuels have lower flash points.

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What does 1 gallon of on rd diesel weigh?

I do not know what "on rd" diesel is but do know diesel fuel (petroleum distillate)The density of petroleum diesel is about 0.85 kg/l (7.09 lb/US gal)"on rd" diesel is diesel fuel used on the highway (rd=road) which is taxed by the Federal Government at the pump, as opposed to "off rd" diesel which is used on farms for tractors and other farm implements and is tax exempt.

How do you tell if it is diesel how does it smell?

Diesel fuel smells the same as home heating oil.

Is rocket fuel the same as jet fuel?

No. Jet fuel is closely related to kerosene and diesel fuel.