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How is polycarbonate made How is polycarbonate made

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What are cds made of?

CDs are made of polycarbonate and plastics.

What type of glass are headlights for cars made of?

Most headlights for cars are made of polycarbonate plastic instead of glass. Polycarbonate is lightweight, durable, and resistant to shattering, making it a safer choice for automotive applications.

What are street signs made of?

Most are made from the pine tree, treated to keep bugs and decay away with creosote, a type of tar. Newer poles are made from aluminum that will last many more years than the wooden type. Some poles were made from cypress, but when fixed in place, they sprouted new growth, making pole trimming a pain for the electrical workers.

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What is a CD case made from?


What is a stop sign made of?

An aluminum sheet is first cut into the shape of an octagon. Reflective sheeting is cut into the background sheeting and letters. They are then assembled and placed in a heat lamp to seal the sheeting to the aluminum.

What was the first CD made of?

always been polycarbonate

Is polycarbonate man made?

Polycarbonate is a tough and versatile plastic used in bulletproof windows, cellphone casings and eyeglasses. Dr. Hermann Schnelle of Bayer in Germany invented the polycarbonate resin in 1953, just a week before Dr. Daniel Fox of General Electronics made the same discovery. Lexan is the brand name of polycarbonate.

What is a CD made out of of?

A compact disc is made from an almost pure Polycarbonate Plastic.

What type of plastic are macs made out of?

The plastic that was used for Mac was polycarbonate. The polycarbonate was mixed with different dyes for color and then created into molds. Currently, there are Macs that are made from aluminum and glass.

What are CDs made up of?

Polycarbonate. Polymerized bis phenol A