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Some will record video with sound. Some will record video without sound.

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Q: Will any digital camera record images other than still shots?
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Can digital cameras record images other than still shots?

Yes, it can also record video.

Can digital cameras record images other than still photos?

You mean record videos ? yes they can

What is the difference between a video camera and a digital still camera?

Conventional/traditional photography is the use of film to capture images in a camera. The film then must be developed, resulting in negatives (negative images) of the images. These negatives are then enlarged using special equipment and paper and then printed and developed chemicals. Digital cameras capture images using sensors on a memory card, which are then transferred to a computer for printing on specialized printers. The benefits of traditional darkroom photography is the amazing quality of the photographs. Only in recent years has digital photography even began to compare to the quality of traditional film, but it is increasing in both quality and popularity. In the near future it is projected to be equal to and even surpass traditional photography. The benefits of digital photography are the ease of use and convenience. Images can be viewed and deleted instantly, instead of shooting through multiple rolls without knowing if you have a successful image.

What is the importance of a camera?

Cameras record images. Images that we see with our eyes are fleeting - one moment they are there, the next moment they are gone. These same images can be recorded and stored using the now commonly available technology, cameras. Cameras can either be still-life cameras, which record still images, or video/movie cameras that record movement. The most common of the still cameras are the '35 mm cameras' which are so named because of the 35 mm size film that they use.

What are imaging systems used for?

Imaging systems are used for recording pictures on film or in computer format. They can be used to record documents, medical images or other digital images.

When did the first first digital camera come about or created or invented?

The first digital camera was made in 1975. The camera weighed 8 pounds, recorded black and white images to a cassette tape, had a resolution of 0.01 megapixels, and took 23 seconds to capture its first image.

Describe and give examples of capturing software?

Capture software allows a user to import and make adjustments to images taken (captured) on a digital camera. Each camera manufacturer has it's own version that usually can be found included in the box when a new digital camera is purchased. While it may be necessary to use the software to import images if you are directly connecting your camera to your computer through a docking station or USB (or other) cable, it is not necessary to use the software if you are importing your images from a CF (compact flash) card.

How does a Sony digital cybershot camera differ from Sonys other digital cameras?

Sony digital cybershots are different because they have a bigger lense and can zoom in farther and make images look better zoomed in. They also take steadier pictures.

What kind of lens is required for a Canon digital camera?

For a Canon digital camera, a 50mm camera lens is just about right. You can also use other lenses depending on what kind of digital camera you are using.

What is a digital camera dock?

This is a place that you can put your camera to charge it, to upload pictures, or other functions. A digital camera dock can do several things.

What is the cost of a panoramic digital camera?

The cost of a panoramic digital camera depends on where you are getting it, the quality of the camera, and what other features they have. They can be very expensive.

Where are images stored on a camera?

In a magical dimension found within the database of the camera unknown to regular humans. Only programmers can see it and other sources of technology