What is the difference between a video camera and a digital still camera?
Conventional/traditional photography is the use of film to
capture images in a camera. The film then must be developed,
resulting in negatives (negative images) of the images. These
negatives are then enlarged using special equipment and paper and
then printed and developed chemicals. Digital cameras capture
images using sensors on a memory card, which are then transferred
to a computer for printing on specialized printers. The benefits of
traditional darkroom photography is the amazing quality of the
photographs. Only in recent years has digital photography even
began to compare to the quality of traditional film, but it is
increasing in both quality and popularity. In the near future it is
projected to be equal to and even surpass traditional photography.
The benefits of digital photography are the ease of use and
convenience. Images can be viewed and deleted instantly, instead of
shooting through multiple rolls without knowing if you have a
successful image.