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well it depends what you mean on image quality. If you were to crop the picture a lot, or make it very large, the quality would be the same, but as for actual composition, a dslr may be better because there are more manual settings, usually the lenses are better than compact cameras and various other reasons.

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Q: Will a 9 megapixel compact camera and a 9 megapixel dslr give the same image quality?
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Most customers will find that an 8 megapixel camera is sufficient to crop pictures. An 8 megapixel image can produce a high quality 8x10 print. More megapixels do not necessarily mean better quality prints.

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There is no such thing as a "megapixel camera." A megapixel is a measurement of the size of the image file. That would be like saying "a horsepower car" or "a watt light bulb."

What is a standard pixel?

A pixel is one dot in the image. A 10 megapixel camera will have 10 million pixels that make up the image.

What is pixels are used as a measurement of?

Pixels is a measure of the image size, each pixel is a dot. This has nothing to do with quality, more megapixels DOES NOT mean better quality pictures. A 10 megapixel camera has 10 million pixels (or dots) per image.

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In my opinion, best cameras are those with 4K ultra HD feature, waterproof, Wi-Fi action, 5-star rating, electronic image stabilization, and with anti-shake property as of Campark's cams. For more infor, please click here: Subathrabiju @ gmail com

Why is megapixel count not the only measure of image quality?

because of the increasing ways of improving quality other than megapixels.

Is the Kodak c530 camera a good camera?

The Kodak c530 is a pretty good camera. It has a lot of nice features like 5.0-megapixel CCD resolution, on-camera image cropping, and an on-camera Share button.

What is the meaning of megapixel sensor?

Megapixel means the number of sensor elements in the camera. A megapixel contains one million pixels if you were to zoom in a camera you would eventually notice a block of color. Now string a million of those blocks together and you would get a mexapixel which all those blocks together create an image.

What is the difference between the image size and view zoom?

Image size is the number of pixels your photo is - lets say you are comparing a 1 megapixel picture to a 7 megapixel picture. The 7 megapixel picture you could blow up to a poster and print it off - it wouldn't show all of the little squares or "pixels" your camera used to take it. The one megapixel would probably show all of the squares. Sort of like if you take a picture off the internet and try to stretch it out. It doesn't look that good. The more pixels on a camera - the better quality photo. Zoom is simply how far your camera can magnify an object far away. Usually it doesn't matter too much because if you have a camera that has a high number of pixels on it you can crop the picture of something you took far away and it will still be a high quality image. However if you don't plan on making too many posters of yourself anything around six or seven mega pixels will be just fine.

What is meant by a camera lens IQ?

Image Quality

Is 3.0 or 3.2 megapixels better?

3.2 would be better, but not by much. The higher the number of megapixels, the higher quality your image will be (and consequently, the more storage will be needed because they will be bigger files). So details that are present in a 10 megapixel camera will not be present in a 3 megapixel camera.