You can find and download the driver at the link in the related link section below.
But, it would be a good idea to scan it for viruses, just to be safe! Do this for every file you download! You might also check the manufacturers web site to see if they have free downloads, which is usually the more safe way to get things like this.
Hi, I somehow managed to get PC Camer Driver for Sigmatel Lephone. It works on my Sigmatel - Lephone A1-A3. If anyone needs it. Please email me on Thanx
yes i lost my pc camera cd for instalation.
install driver
To properly install a webcam on an HP PC will depend on the camera. If teh driver for the webcam does not install automatically when it is plugged in then the user will either need the disc that came with the camera or find a download that is supported by the operating system.
It depends on the OS of the PC, not the PC itself. So, there is no way of telling. If you have windows, you can install driver software which will enable you to support almost any camera.
Webcams generally come with a CD that has the driver on it. If you no longer have the driver CD, you can go to the webcam manufacturer's website and download a driver for free.
i can't find my camera drivers for mac os of my lenovo y550 ideapad pc
To connect a wireless streaming camera to your PC for live video monitoring, you will need to install the camera's software on your computer, connect the camera to your Wi-Fi network, and then open the software to view the live video feed on your PC.
It has an auto-save so you do not need to save
I m trying to download the sync driver for your ipaq and cannot find out what kind of driver you need for x11-21204 ipaq?it seems to me that i have right driver,but my PC can not find the pocketpc.what to do,please????Starr