William Henry Fox-Talbot invented light sensitive photographic paper in 1839.
However, this must not be mixed up with when the first photograph was taken, in 1838.
it was invented in France
The abacus was invented before cameras and so no photograph exists.
Nicéphore Niépce invented the process around 1826.
Nicéphore Niépce invented the process around 1826.
No. The camera wasn't invented until 1830 and Washington died years before. We only have paintings.
The camera was invented by Alexander S. Wolcott, but the earliest surviving photograph was made by the french inventor Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.
Shakespeare died in 1616. The first photograph was made in 1826. You figure it out.
What do you mean by "electric photograph"? Electric light photography appeared in the 1880's as studios began to use arc lamps for artificial lighting. Or the original process that came to be called Xerography migiht be called an electric photograph. But the question is unanswerable without a better context.
The first underwater camera was invented by French scientist Louis Boutan. The first published photograph taken with this camera was made in 1893.
1839, although temporary photographs that disappeared after a time were able to be produced prior to that (ca. 1820's)
Robert Hooke died over a century (a period of 100 years) before photography was invented
Cameras hadn't been invented in 1697 so a photograph of him couldn't exist.