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Well actually believe it or not it was used for during a porno. true fact

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The first large format cameras were used in the mid 20th century. They help preserve large details in photographs. Currently, they are not widely used.

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What type of camera did Berenice Abbott use?

She used a large format camera.

What format did August Sander use?

August Sander used a large format Plaubel plate camera (13 x 18 cm) with Zeiss lenses and orthochromatic plates with light filter. He may have used other cameras, but his body of work was created with large format cameras.

Can digital camera be used as web camera?

No. The drivers and format are incompatible. Yes but not live

How was the camera used when first invented?

when the digital camera was first invented it was used to tske pictures.

What is a 8mm camera?

a film camera that uses the 8 mm film format used from 1932 on, it can be normal or super 8, may amateurs used it and now artists do

Who used the first camera?

John Strognofe in 1685 invented the camera, so he also used it first.

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A Digital Camera Stores Images in a Digital Format unlike older cameras which used to store images on a film or metal plate...

What do you mean by an equivalent lens and equivalent focal length?

An equivalent lens refers to a lens used on a different format camera that produces a similar field of view as a given lens on a specific format camera. Equivalent focal length is the focal length of the equivalent lens on the different format camera that provides a similar angle of view as the original lens on the specific format camera.

What is a mavica digital camera?

Mavica was a brand of Sony cameras which used removable disks (1.44 Mb diskettes) as the main recording media. In August, 1981, Sony released the Sony Mavica (Magnetic Video Camera) electronic still camera, the first commercial electronic camera. It was not a digital camera, as its CCD sensor produced a video signal in the NTSC format at a resolution of 570*490 pixels.