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Q: What was the plan that was to reduce tension between the two super powers by letting each side to take aerial photographs of one another's military bases?
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What is a letting service used for?

A letting service refers to a letting agent who is a facilitator/mediator between the tenant and landlord for a residential property. Usually a letting agent is hired by the landlord and is assigned to manage the property in return for a fee.

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Poland was the first military target of the Nazi Blitskrieg or lightning war. There were jokes that Krakow! is onamopoetic for a Howitzer letting go, and of course the obvious joke that Warsaw was aplty named, seeing much battle damage.

Is there any difference between killing and letting die?

Yes, there is a moral distinction between killing and letting die. Killing involves actively causing someone's death, while letting die involves not taking action to prevent someone's death when it is in your power to do so. Both can have different ethical implications depending on the circumstances.

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That depends on how 'letting' or 'renting' is used in a sentence.For example:The owners are letting said property to the prospective buyers for 90 days pending purchase financing.vs.The occupants were renting the premises on a month to month basis.

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What is the difference between a military action and a declaration of war?

Congress approves the declaration of war, which is a formal matter of letting the commander in chief use everything he has available to win the war, including nuclear weapons if he so desires. A military action may (there have been more restrictions since Vietnam placed upon the president/commander in chief) be conducted with little or no approval from congress.

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The present progressive a word for an on-going action in the present.Examples:I am letting...You are letting...He (she/it) is letting...We are letting...They are letting...

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The terms letting and leasing are typically tied to the real estate industry. Letting is the practice of signing a new lease for each tenant. Leasing and subleasing refer to a tenant who decides to rent a specific piece of their property to another party.

When are they letting 26 episodes of Vampire Knight out?

Yes they already have, between the two seasons of Vampire Knight.

How do republicans feel about military spending?

Republicans are very much for military funding. If it weren't for Republicans and there were only Democrats, the U.S.A. wouldn't even have a military. Thank the Republicans in office and soldiers for letting you have freedom.

There is difference between letting die and killing?

If we kill, we intend the death. If we let die, the death is foreseen, but not intended.