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Digital zoom

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Q: What type of zoom crops the image and enlarges this cropped image to fill the frame of the camera?
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What is the difference between Full frame and cropped sensor?

We are talking here about digital cameras, and specifically digital SLR (single lens reflex) cameras, which have interchangeable lenses. A full frame sensor is the same size as a 35mm film frame. This means that if you put a given lens on a film camera (let's say a 50mm fixed focal length) and then the same lens on a digital SLR with a full frame sensor, both cameras will capture the same scene. A cropped sensor, as the name suggests, is smaller than a 35mm frame, which means that the same lens is effectively zoomed in slightly, generally by a factor of about 1.6:1 (this ratio is called the crop factor). This means a 50mm lens on a cropped sensor camera gives approximately the same field of view as an 80mm lens on a 35mm or full frame sensor camera. This is because the smaller sensor only captures the light from the centre of the image. There are pros and cons to each. One major advantage to cropped sensors is they are generally much cheaper to produce, which is why you typically only see full frame sensors on high end cameras (taking Canon as an example, only the 5D and 1D range have full frame sensors). They also allow the use of potentially lighter lenses, thanks to the crop factor effectively increasing the focal length of any lens and optical adjustments that can be made to the lens design thanks to the need to focus onto a smaller area. As far as I am aware (and certainly in the Canon range, which I use) a cropped sensor camera can use any lens designed for its 35mm or full frame counterparts (albeit with the crop factor), whereas lenses designed for cropped sensor cameras (Canon's EF-S range being a case in point) cannot properly be used on full frame or 35mm cameras. On the other hand, full frame sensors are often more sensitive, producing sharper images with less noise, particularly in lower light. The fact that they also allow a photographer to migrate from 35mm to digital without affecting the focal lengths of existing lenses may also be a benefit to some.

What is the difference in static frame and moving frame?

A static frame is a fixed reference point with respect to which motion is described, while a moving frame is a reference point that is in motion relative to the objects being observed. In a static frame, objects appear stationary, while in a moving frame, objects may appear to be moving even if they are stationary in the static frame.

Dsi frame the on dsi camera?

What? I need an is there, or a could you put!Not just a sentence fragment!

Can you change the framing of a shot in post-production?

As long as everything you want in the printed frame is in the camera frame, you can.

What size picture is full frame for a digital camera?

In digital cameras, full frame usually refers to a Digital Single-lens Reflex camera with a sensor roughly the same size as a 35mm film frame (36 x 24mm).

Why were the crops they grew in Tennessee important?

For what time frame are you asking? Crops have been important since the beginning of time.

What is a wireless picture frame?

It can hold lots of pictures in it that is downloaded from a camera.

What is a frame in camera speed?

A movie camera or a video camera takes many photographs every second, each photograph is known as a frame. Typical framing rates are 24 frames per second in film cameras, 25 fps or 30 fps in video cameras.

What is a frame grabber used for?

A Frame Grabber is used to capture individual frames from an analog or digital video signal. In the past, Frame Grabbers were used to interface Camera's to Computers.

How do you shoot a frame on a video camera?

Most video cameras lack single-frame capability, because video resolutions do not lend themselves to good still photographs. Check your camera manual to see if yours is one of the exceptions.

What is the framework of the Hunger Games?

the frame work is the actors learning their lines and what they are supposed to do on camera

Which cable do you use to transfer pictures from PC to digital frame?

I think you use the memory card in your digital camera and insert that into the frame. I don't know how your frame works though. Read the directions.