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She used and prefered the square-format twin lens reflex

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Q: What type of camera did Diane Arbus use?
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What type of camera did byzantine mathematician anthemius use in his experiments?

Camera Obscura

What type of camera did Berenice Abbott use?

She used a large format camera.

What type of camera does Anne Geddes use?

She uses a Hasselbad digital camera.

What type of camera do magazines use?


What type of lens do camera use?

convex lenses are found in camera's most often.

Can I add music to video's made with my Small Wonder video camera?

It really just the type of video editing software you use , not the type of camera you use.

What type of film does Bruce weber use in his camera?

Weber seems to usually use and Pentax 67 and a Polaroid Land camera.

What type of camera does shimmycocopuffsss use?

iphone 4 sometimes

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What type of power did the first camera use?

Double A Batteries.

What Type of Camera Do You Use For Darkrooms?

You use infrared cameras for taking pictures when there is no light.

what is the type of camera use for a document?

For the best results use a camera that has a document setting when photographing documents. This will ensure you get a good quality shot of your documents.