What do you have to consider when selecting your shutter speed?
Shutter speed has a lot to do with your overall exposure. A
higher shutter speed will decrease the light a lot. I was in best
buy playing around with a camera and turned the camera shutter
speed to 1/4000. After taking the photo, the preview was black. I
realized it was because of how much higher I increase my shutter
speed. Shutter speed also affects motion in a photo. A higher
shutter speed will freeze all action in a photo a will less likely
have a blur to it if you have a shaky hand. A lower shutter speed
lets in more light while the shutter is will opened so the entire
time that the shutter is open, the camera takes in all that light.
Increasing chances of blur, you can also use this for crazy, funky
effects! If your taking a picture of a waterfall with a low shutter
speed, your gonna get a blur, which can typically look pretty epic
sometimes too.