In Photography, a form of camera, which can be drawn out like an Accordion or bellows.
See the definition from a dictionary in the link bellow.
A camera that encodes an image digitally in pixels and stores it for later viewing and modification.
Photography is the process of taking pictures with a camera - it's the definition of the word. Without a camera of some sort, it's not photography.
The standard flip camera has definition of 3.2 megapixels. A high end flip camera can have up to 8 megapixels.
In plane english it means light. Lower the lux number camera can show image
A high definition camera will start out at around $700.00 for good quality.
no someone who is quiet is not a bellow
camera (camara) f. -aea vaulted chamber, vault; a flat covered boat.
Alexandra Bellow was born in 1935.
Bellow - album - was created in 2003.
Bella Bellow was born in 1945.