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Q: What is The structure that regulates the size of the opening for light in and is similar to a camera diaphragm?
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Related questions

What body part is the same as the iris diaphragm?

The iris diaphragm in a camera is most similar to the iris in the human eye. Both structures regulate the amount of light entering the system.

How did the diaphragm get its name?

It got its name from its shape. It closes similar to the iris in your eye.

How did the iris diaphragm get its name?

The iris diaphragm is named after the iris, the colored part of the eye, because of its similar appearance and function. Just like the iris controls the amount of light entering the eye, the iris diaphragm in a camera lens controls the amount of light entering the camera.

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A dynamic microphone is most similar to a speaker. They both consist of a diaphragm, a voice coil and a magnet.

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A school is like a nuclear membrane in that both provide structure and organization to the entities they enclose. The nuclear membrane regulates what can enter and exit the nucleus, similar to how a school regulates who can enter and leave the premises. Additionally, both the nuclear membrane and a school play vital roles in protecting and supporting the components within them.

Is structure and identical similar?

Structure and identical are not similar. Structure refers to the way something is organized or built, while identical means exactly the same.

What causes diaphragm elevated?

Cysts, an infection or abscess, hematoma, or a tumor may be problems that are taking place below the diaphragm. these may be causing upward presure that elevate the diaphragm. Damage to the nerve that controls the diaphragm the (phrenic nerve) or infiltration of the diaphragm by lung cancer or similar tumors can also cause elevation of half of the diaphragm. lung collapse, lung fibrosis, painful pleurisy, pulmonary embolus, or a rib fracture may cause elevation of half of the diaphragm. If there is acute elevation of the entire diaphragm combined with paralysis of both of the phrenic nerves, sudden death may occur.

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a structure with similar shape but different use. ( APEX )

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