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depends where you live

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Q: Is it legal to post security cameras on common property?
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Is it legal for law enforcement to rip out home security cameras?

Yes, if the cameras are invading the privacy of others (such as neighbours etc...) Or if they need information (video evidence) from the cameras.

Are spy cameras legal in Canada?

All spy cameras can be legal or illegal depending on the way they are used. If you use it for home security then it's perfectly legal. If you use it for ... uh, spying on someone in a bad way (bathroom) then it could be illegal.

Is it legal for a landlord to have surveillance cameras inside a rental house?

== == Yes . But I would suggest that you ask the owner for his/her permission first, as this will entail making chnges to their property ( the house).

Are security cameras systems allowed in womens fitting rooms of department stores?

Yes, it is legal for stores to have security cameras in all fitting rooms, provided that customers are informed in some way that they are there. If you have been told that there are cameras there, and enter the fitting room, you are giving your consent for them to film you.

Your friends neighbor installed security cameras purposely intruding into your friends property one of then is lookind directly to his family rooms window which he now has to keep closed is this legal?

I don't think that it's legal. You can all ways ask you neighbor to move his camera, or at least direct it in a different direction.

What is a "foreclosure"?

The legal process by which a lender terminates the owner's right to a property that was pledged as security for a debt.

Is it legal to use security cameras in a store fitting room?

It varies from state to state. All states and regions are different in the way store security is handled. Many stores require the store to have a sign saying that cameras are in use and some states totally outlaw the use.

Is it legal to post a sign stating there are security cameras when there are none?

It is legal, but it is not wise. If you post such signs, and a crime is committed that the cameras should have detected, you can be held liable, in that the victim had valid reason to believe cameras were in existence. Also, I would add that, if you posted the signs, it shows that YOU believe that the area in question is dangerous enough to require camera surveilance. Not having cameras where you know they're required can be construed as negligence.

Is it legal to have cameras in public stores?


What is a legal mortgage?

A legal mortgage is a security interest granted to the lender by the owner of property as a condition of the loan. A note details the specifics of the money being loaned to the borrower. The mortgage refers to a security interest which the borrower grants the lender. The lender takes the security interest so that if the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender can seize the underlying asset (the real property, or home).

How do you describe security control?

Security control is a set of procedures and safeguards that are used to prevent or lessen the risks towards a property or company. This could include physical security procedures and also legal procedures.

Is it legal to videotape a woman undressing in your home without her permission?

yes because she is on your property and that camera is just for "security" measures