The size of any picture in pixels depends on how the picture is taken. You can take the picture to have as many or as few pixels as you want.
For a picture to be used as an iOS wallpaper, it must be at least 1136 x 640 pixels.
It depends how detailed the picture is
(9) x (number of pixels per inch)2
Mega pixels to you a picture tells how big it is. digital photos of small points in the name of pixels and each of these pixels can immediately different color and Light.
The 256k does not actually relate to a picture size, just how much data is in the picture. This is how many pixels there are (how many tiny squares of data make up the picture). This means that if you enlarge the picture, the pixels become more apparent (the image looks like it's made up of squares) however the amount of data (k) in the picture has not increased. If you decrease the size of the picture, the same number of pixels remain (but you can't see individual pixels). Only if you crop the picture, some pixels will be deleted so the data content (k) will be smaller. But (k) does not give a specific picture size. Hope that helps.
it determines the resolution of the picture. the higher the pixels, the clearer the picture.
The image resolution of a picture is broken into pixels. The amount of pixels in the picture depends on the size of the print. There are approximately 100 pixels per inch in a picture.
Because there are so many pixels I expect
45,039,340 pictures with 7346834768476347068768704687348906 pixels