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In the security room to the left of the statue room, on the way to the Supply Closet. You will go there after you are arrested and released. Bring the time card from the security guard who is in the Clown Store.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

After the theft, go to the museum Security Room to see the recorded videos. You will need the timecard from the security guard (he's at the Clown Store) to narrow down the time of the theft.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Go to the security room in the museum (next to the Supply Closet). You need the timecard from the guard who was on duty at the museum. He is in the Clown Store trying to cheer himself up.

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Q: How do you see the surveillance videos on Counterfeit Island?
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How do you get to see the secret camera on counterfeit island?

You can review the surveillance videos once you have the timecard from the museum guard. You can find him at the Clown Store.

How do you see the museum videos in Counterfeit Island?

You go into the Surveillance room Via the security room or the tunnel in the museum tour (near the mimes).

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There are no snowballs on Counterfeit Island. (see the related question)

What do you do inside the museum in mews mansion in counterfeit island?

Go into the bottom right room and see all the videos. Then mews will show up.

How do you show the inspector the picture on Counterfeit Island?

The inspector is not around to see the "dragon picture", because you get the last piece in the Supply Room. She does see the "thief" picture when you print it from the video surveillance tapes. But she says she doesn't recognize him.

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There does not seem to be any lava anywhere on Counterfeit Island. (see related question)

What time was the scream stolen on Counterfeit Island?

The security guard who was on duty is in the Clown Store. Get his timecard to find out when the theft occurred, and you can see it on the surveillance video. (As it turns out, it was about 4 AM, but knowing that will not help without the timecard.)

What are the answers for Counterfeit Island?

(see the related questions)

How do you know it is the shady guy on Counterfeit Island?

When the painting is stolen, get the timecard from the night security guard (he's in the Clown Store). Then you can see the theft on the videos in the Security Room of the museum.

How do you get to see the black widow in jail on Counterfeit Island?

you can't

Can you see the strange man again after you have finished counterfeit island?


How do you find out the hour to look at the videos on counterfeit island?

Go to the Clown store and get the time card from the museum guard. with that, you can narrow the time to see the theft on the museum's Security Room videos. Get a photo of the thief (it's the shady guy) and show it Downtown.