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The Holy Bible. It stated in The Bible that the Earth was a sphere long before humans realized it was. People chose not to believe, and it turns out that the Bible was right.

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Q: How did people find out the earth was round before the invention of cameras?
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What are two types of cameras used to take pictures of earth before the invention of the satellite?

A high altitude camera was used to take pictures of earth from aircraft (typically fixed to the underside of aircraft body) or air balloon. This type of camera operates in extremely cold weather (around minus 50).

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The first thing people saw Earth from above was likely from a high mountain or hilltop before the invention of flight. The first time Earth was seen from space was by astronauts during the Apollo 8 mission in 1968.

The planets that were known before the telescope was invented were?

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were the planets known before the invention of the telescope. These planets can be seen with the naked eye from Earth.

How did Nicolas Copernicus get Famous?

by making a invention which i don't know which invention Vyvyn: the people used to believe that the sun, moons, planets, etc. rotates around the earth and the earth is flat, but he proved that the sun is the center of the solar system and that moons, planets, etc. rotates around it and the earth is round.

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The cast of Cameras in Middle-Earth - 2002 includes: Peter Jackson as himself Andrew Lesnie as himself

Which planets were known before the invention or the telescope?

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were known before the invention of the telescope. These planets are visible to the naked eye in Earth's night sky, thus they were observed and named by ancient civilizations.

Is air an invention?

An invention is some 'thing', or some idea, that is created or constructed by man; something that has never existed before. Clearly, air has been around for a lot longer than man, and is part of 'nature', therefore it cannot be classed as an invention.

What did people believe before Copernicus?

that the earth was the center of the universe and that the earth wAS FLAT

A picture of the first dog on earth?

There wouldn't have been cameras then...

Can you see any planets from earth with a telescope?

Yes, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn had been discovered several millennia before the invention of the telescope.

Are people spirits in heaven before they are born on earth?

The Bible says God created Adam and Eve from the earth. This indicates that they were not spirits in heaven before they were on earth.

Was people aliens before?

Maybe, humans might be from Earth.