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It depends on who you work for. In most companies though, I don't believe you do. It really depends. If you run your own company , of course, you get to pick your own hours and days(:

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Q: Do photographers get weekends off
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Photographer - do you get weekends off?

I know one photographer that I found here so this guy never gets weekends off. As a rule all photo sessions take place on weekends...

Hey I would love to work with a photographer that does weddings, do you ever need a person in the evenings or weekends?

check out different employers. I would recommend this site -

What kind of Jobs have the weekends off?

Xbox Gamer

How are school photographers hired?

School photographers are usually hired on a one-off basis, but schools usually choose to hire the same photographers every year, as the school can often receive deals for long term services.

Do doctors get weekends off?

Yes they do ! Depending on the place you work

What can you do if you like a young Asian woman who is on your bus but you only see her weekdays only and you are off weekends but your thinking about her on weekends how can you see her weekends?

Sit next to her and start a conversation with her. Do this for several days and then ask her to coffee or to dinner.

What is good about the weekend?

Well, that depends on what lifestyle you have. If you are an elementary-highschool student you have the weekends off to hang out. But then if you're one of those "college bound" students you're probably studying for some test or other on the weekends. Some people get the weekends off from work and spend time with their famalies, go to parties, or even just go grocerry shopping. Some people don't get the weekends off and they're stuck working. It all depends.


Artists, photographers,

What if your idea of a great weekend?

Well, that totally depends on what lifestyle you have. If you are an elementary-high school student you have the weekends off to hang out. But then if you're one of those "college bound" students you're probably study for some test or other on the weekends. Some people get the weekends off from work and spend time with their families, go to parties, or even just go grocery shopping. Some people don't get the weekends off and they're stuck working.

When you get glasses from the eye doctor if they say it will take 5-7 days does it include weekends?

Yes, of course, unless you leave your eyewear off over the weekends.

Is there a holiday when Sims in Sims 2 get off school?

No, there are no holidays except for weekends.

Why don't the police make arrest on the weekends?

The police do make arrests on weekends, all the time.BUTPolice are people, they like weekends off if possible, so a lot of long investigations have arrests made during the week and reported during the week. That's why it look like no arrests are made on weekends.