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Q: Who do you pay if you want to cross the river Styx?
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What river did you have to cross to get to the underworld?

The river Styx. This was very dangerous, and you had to pay drachma to the ferryman to get across.

How do you cross the river Styx?

Pay Charon the ferryman to take you across.

What was placed under a corpses tongue and why was it placed there?

a gold coin, to pay passage to cross the river styx

Why did Greeks put a coin under the tongues of the dead?

Actually, they would put a coin in or on a dead person's mouth, to allow them to pay the ferryman Charon to take them across the river Styx to Hades.

What happened to the dead people when they traveled the river Styx?

The dead did not cross the river Styx, to get into Hades, one had to pay the boatman Charon to cross the Acheron. If you paid, then the judges then decided if you would go to House of Hades: Hermes took the dead soul to Minos and his brothers, who would judge where the soul went - the "fields of asphodel."/ Islands of the Blessed/Elysian fields/Tartarus/.

What is the river styk?

In Greek Mythology, the River Styx was the river that took the souls of the dead to the afterlife. You had to pay the ferryman Charon to transport you across the river.

Why did they place gold coins on dead greek soldiers?

to pay the ferry man Charon or Khraon whom the Greeks believed carried the dead across the river Styx. If you did not place the coins in the mouths or eyes of the person, you would wander the banks of the river for 100 years or be sent to Tarturas the place under Hades' realm.

How can spirits enter the underworld?

You pay with a coin, and then Charon the ferryman, takes you across the river styx.

What did Charon want in the movie The Lightning Thief?

Charon was the ferry man so he wanted payment to take Percy, Annabeth, and Grover across the River Styx. They had to pay him in drachma.

What is a Styx offering?

The Styx is a river in Hades across which Charon carried dead souls- one of the five rivers that lead to Hades (in Greek Mythology Hades is both a place and a being) The only offering I can think of was a golden coin- The Greeksbelieved that putting a gold coin in the mouth of someone who recently died would help pay the toll for the ferry required cross the Styx

How do you pass the river styx?

In Greek mythology, to pass the River Styx and enter the Underworld, one must pay the ferryman Charon with a coin placed in the mouth of the deceased. Without this payment, the spirits are unable to cross the river.

What did Charon carry across the River Styx?

To get into the underworld people had to pay a fare to the ferryman, Charon. That's why people put coins underneath the corpses' tongue. If they couldn't pay the fine they couldn't get into Elysium because the toll paid for the ferry to get them across the River Styx and Charon pulled the ferry.