Slides that grow uphill by increments are called retrogressive; slides that grow downhill by increments are called progressive.
"The basic difference between slides and flows is that slides initially move as a unit with little or no deformation within the sliding mass, whereas flows are thoroughly deformed internally during movement."-Alan E. Kehew 9Geology for engineers & Environmental Scientists)
difference between offer and acceptance?
difference between offer and acceptance?
What is the difference between M1 and M2?
Outline tab displays the text content of your presentation in an outline format, showing the structure and hierarchy of your slides. Slide tab displays thumbnail images of each slide in your presentation, allowing you to quickly navigate between slides visually.
What is the difference between a list and an outlin?
What is the difference between a list and an outlin?
an formal outline must begin with Roman numeral
The outline contians only the chapter and section headings from the textbook.
Tabs Pane
slides tab
nothing at all
prewriting is free writing what you know about a subject, an outline is a formal list with organization and flow.
The Cock Of The Horse Slides Past The Uevuila
the outline