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Q: What if cervical mucas is very thick every month?
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What is the thick fluid in the sinuses?

I'm pretty sure that's mucas honey

What is lung cancer caused by?

A thick layer of mucas is layered inside the throat and slowly suffocates you.

How do you grow your hair very long and thick?

To start off you want to just let your hair grow. Get it cut once month or every other month. Let you hair air dry, and do not straighten. You can use volumizing shampoo to make it thick. ( You can look up hair mixtures as well...) If you do all this, and let your hair grow for 2 years without ever getting more than an inch cut off every month/ every other month, then you will have your wish of long and thick hair.

What does it mean if you are getting thick discharge?

Throughout the month as estrogen levels rise and fall your cervical mucous varies from thin and clear to white, thick and sticky. After you ovulate your normal cervical mucous can be white and thick and lots of it, before turning fairly dry again just before your period. If there is no odor and no itch or burning it is just your body doing what it is supposed to do OR If its white its most likely yeast. If it gets worse and starts getting itchy and irritated you probably have a yeast infection.

What does your cervical mucus look like at your first stages of pregnancy?

thick white cream

What is cytistic fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic lung disease. It makes the mucas in the body thick and sticky which can effect the entire body and can lead to an early death. -edited to correct spelling :)

Which are the thick fluid in sinuses?

The thick fluid found in the sinuses is called mucus. Mucus helps to trap and remove foreign particles, such as dust and pathogens, from the respiratory system. It also helps to keep the sinus passages moist and protect the delicate tissues.

Which band of connective tissue lies superficial to the cervical spinous processes?

The ligamentum nuchae lies superficial to the cervical spinous processes. It is a thick, elastic ligament that runs from the external occipital protuberance to the C7 vertebra.

How does the stomach prevent digesting itself?

The role that cells play in keeping the stomach from digesting itself is in the production of a thick, greasy mucus so that the stomach wall remains intact. This thick mucus is called glycoprotein.

What does vaginal fluid look like?

The vaginal fluid is a clear substance that can sometimes be thick and slimy or thin. It can also be white after certain sexual arousel in the vagina or after masturbation. This is likely to happen when you are about to start your period again every month

How do you deal with thick hair?

If your hair is thick enough to be an annoyance to you, every beautician has a pair of "thinning shears". Ask about it, at your next appointment.

What closes off the uterus to harmful bacteria and other sperm after the fertilization of an egg?

The mucus plug, thick mucus in the cervical canal, does that to some extent, but it doesn't completely close out harmful bacteria.